本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 10:38 编辑
当我轻轻的把这篇文章放在桌子上的时候,我的心开始翻滚。我认为这篇文章最好的题目是 time is life 时间就是生命。 Time is a never-fatigued traveler proceeding on his endless journey. He goes second by second, slowly but steadily to the Eternity, never halting
for a rest. 时间是一个不知疲倦的旅者,永无止境的前行,它一步一步缓慢且稳健,永不会停下脚步喘息,直到永远。The human life is short at best.人生不过几十余年,如此短暂。 they seem to us like flash of sparks that appear and vanish in a moment. 时间就如顷刻跳跃的火花,转瞬即逝。
we must make the most use of every minute, and the waste of time is the waste
of life, for time is life.我们必须把握每一分钟,不能浪费时间,因为浪费时间就是浪费生命,时间就是生命。
是啊!我们正处在一个物欲横流的时代,一个天天为了金钱而奔忙的社会,一个人心浮躁急功近利的社会。我们这样的年轻人就应该随波逐流了吗?如果这样,我们的人生还有什么意义,时间会无情的抛弃我们,留下的只有一头的白发, 只有一个可怜躯体, 只有一个孤零零的墓碑。
Someone fools it away, walking in the streets and looking at the shopwindows all
day long; someone loses it in a fight for nothing; someone gives it up to
dissipation and merry-making; while others devote theirs for the benefit
of their motherland and the mankind in the field of science, art or literature,
etc.当一些人为了祖国的利益 为了人类的自然科学 为了艺术 为了文学等等领域而默默风险的时候,一些人却漫步在街头,整天望着挂满物品的橱窗,为了毫无意义的事情争斗而丧失自我,他们放弃了时间而去游荡,而去寻欢作乐。
我想起了鲁迅 巴金 季羡林 钱钟书 陈寅恪 胡适等等 等等无数的名字,他们真正是在淡泊名利的做学问,他们是在默默无闻地为了国家的建设做着自己的贡献。看看我们周围了年轻兄弟吧!有几个踏踏实实地静下心来认真读书的,现在还有几个人会说读书是为了自己的兴趣为了自己进一步掌握知识,为了进一步完善自我。很多人都在想着学个好专业, 为了以后找个好工作。真正研究学问的都哪里去了?
In my early boyhood I began the reading of the novels like Red Chamber
Dream and all that. Books became my daily companions, and also the daily
nourishment for my mind. My young heart leaped with the thrill
of joy at the beauties of literature. I decided then that literature should
be my career.在我童年的时候 我开始阅读诸如 红楼梦 之类的中国古典小说。书成为我的伴侣,每日滋养着我好奇的心。我年轻的心在文学的世界里开始跳跃 激动不已,我决定以文学为伍,让它成为我终生的事业。 When at school I began to learn English and gave most of my spare time to
the study of it. 当我在学校的时候我开始学习英文 并且它占用了我很多业余时间I read English novels and poetry, and was greatly fascinated by the Occidental charms of that literature. as if I had got into another room of that palace----the room of English literature; but I have found that this room is not so splendidly adorned as that of Chinese literature. By thus speaking, I mean not that I love English literature less, but that I love our Chinese literature more. With what a proud feeling I read over and over again the books in Chinese dealing with literature; with what a delight and excitement I recite the famous poems and essays for their beautiful wording in the description of nature and the expression of the views on the philosophy of life; and with what an esteem and reverence
I admire the culture of our ancestors that has a history of five thousand years. How proud I am of being born a Chinese and how wistfully I long to add something to the storage in the treasure house of literature, and then I can say with self-satisfaction that my life is not a waste. 我阅读英文小说 英文诗歌 我被西方迷人的文学深深的吸引,但我更爱中国文学 我背诵了大量闻名遐尔的诗词歌赋 我辈优美的语言和深邃的生活哲理所折服,我是多么的尊敬和敬重我们的文学成果啊!我为我们祖先的文化和五千年历史而骄傲。我为我是一名中国人而多么的自豪啊 !我多么渴望在我的书房里能珍藏这些文化宝藏啊!我可以自豪的说我的生命一直在延续 我的脚步一直在前行 我的脉搏一直在跳动 我的心永远充满着烈火 我珍惜着每一分每一秒 我要为祖国的明天而奋斗。
珍惜吧 让我们记住
珍惜吧 深深的珍惜
珍惜吧 好好得珍惜