本帖最后由 何威廉 于 2019-3-22 09:52 编辑
Tune: Prelude of Nightingale Singing
Time and Sea Spirit stand still,
When seagulls descend the fore.
Rocking and rolling,
The trouncing winds,
Lash with ruinous rave.
Crossing the Drake,
With the fury of a thousand black horses,
I aviate a clear troposphere when vast waters close.
On the faraway and capricious passage,
Survival run with Bear Grylls in the black waves.
Light-mantled solitude,
Dazzling reflections,
Mystical crystal sculpture.
Watching dripping icicles,
Incredible stack cliffs,
An extraordinarily merciless allure.
Where water joins the sky,
Along with Flash of Genius,
At the brink of precipice,
A realm of such brutal beauty is rare.
Melodies of pink and blue,
Ice carving jade terrace,
Splash on sunset's orange-tinted hues.
By the biting wind,
And the bitterly cold,
Salamanders were subsisting.
Porpoising Adelie Penguins,
On black and white landscape,
Against the snow and sleet,
Gather in a circle,
With erect posturing.
Grampus leaps amazingly,
As single hydrofoil craft,
With a flap of its tail,
Rapidly in midstream,
Breakers are spilling.
Amidst the giant icebergs,
Seals chase games of hide-and-seek,
On semi-frozen reefs without sleeping.
Canoeing in the wildness,
The ferry landing deserted,
Silence becomes full of sound very.
Ribbons of wonder and movement,
Frozen music of sapphire-yearning heights,
The paradise bays and promontories,
The twinkling stars and silvery river,
Vast canopy they all have the witchery.
Through the Elves' Land,
And the Ross Ice Shelf,
Scott lost on his epic voyage of discovery.
Sparkling flags of the Antarctica,
Wave for all the creatures in history.
People seek newer fame,
On sentimental pilgrimages to Amundsen,
Beyond the gain or loss boundary.
青溟醉欹画舸, 伴鸥旋燕翊。 云阵合、 风迎桅墙, 雨雹逐电浪激。 德雷克、 奔霆海面, 浑如乘蜺行寰域。 怅东西万里, 眼难尽天难觅。
迥野寥翘, 玉宇崎险, 恰瑶琼伏脉。 凝成柱、 业嶂攒峦, 远峣飞花断壁。 水天连、 灵光映雪, 绝壑俯、 湮芜丛植。 熠煜晖, 银屋瑶台, 霞绡红湿。
凄风凛冽, 炫射素绫, 洪荒有火蜥。 阿德利、 黑白分界, 长伴寒酥, 舞动鸾衣, 擢首直立。 虎鲸腾翮, 轻游小艋, 狂风总曳麒麟尾, 正中流、 一抹如龙翼。 浮晶蛰卧, 鼻眼斑驳眉须, 青花海豹岩侧。
孤舟兴逐, 野渡微蒙, 尽屹然籁寂。 缥烟隔、 柔蓝层脊, 邃丽湾环, 昭晰河汉, 穹庐似幂。 瀛州阆苑, 罗斯冰架, 彼时谁识斯科特。 叹无休、 云物凄清秩。 而今众世喧阗, 惊梦阿翁, 竞驰鸣镝。