本帖最后由 宛城卧龙 于 2019-3-17 21:31 编辑
1 There is enough in the world foreveryone's need; there is not enough for everyone's greed. —Mohandas Gandhi 这个世界有足够的财富满足每个人的需求;但没有足够的财富满足每个人的贪婪。
2 Anyone can count the seeds in an apple; no one can count the apples in a seed. —Anonymous 谁都可以数清一个苹果中有多少粒种子,但谁也算不出一粒种子能结出多少个苹果。
3 To him that has, more shall be given; but from him that has not, the little that he has shall be taken away. —Jesus 凡有的,还要加给他,叫他有余。凡没有的,连他所有的,也要夺去。
4 Some people confuse acceptance with apathy but there's all the difference in the world. Apathy fails to distinguish what can and cannot be helped; acceptance makes the distinction....—Arthur Gordon
5 Man is now only more active—not more happy, nor more wise than he was 6,000 years ago.... —Edgar A. Poe 现在的人只是更加忙碌,但并不比6000年前更加幸福或者聪明。 6 The soul of all action is blindness. He who knows, cannot act any longer. Knowing means forgoing action and renouncing passion.... —Egon Friedell 行动的灵魂在于盲目。知道太多的人不能行动。知道意味着放弃行动,否定激情。
7 Tragedy is like a strong acid—it dissolves away all but the very gold of truth.... —D. H. Lawrence 悲剧就像强酸,把一切都消融掉,只留下真理的金子。
8 You cannot create experience. You must undergo it. —Albert Camus 你不可能创造出经验,必须自己经历。
9 You cannot direct which way the winds of adversity will blow, but you can adjust your sails. —Shantidasa 你无法决定困境中的风向,但你可以调整你的风帆。
10 The most generous vine, if not pruned, runs out into many superfluous stems and grows at last weak and fruitless; so doth the best man if he be not cut short in his desires, and pruned with afflictions.... —Joseph Hall 再会结果的葡萄藤,如果不修剪,会产生许多分枝,最后变得虚弱并无法结果;最优秀的人,如果不减少欲望,穿过痛苦的炼狱,也会一事无成。