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Call for the Optimization of the Chinese

发表于 2008-7-9 23:21:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 05:24 编辑

The Chinese civilization is of great profoundness and extensiveness
Brilliant and magnificent in the  history of humankind
Commonly recognized and admired in the world
The square Chinese characters of writing language has a great deal of merit
Pitifully, it’s very difficult to learn, this shortcoming troubles very much
Simplification of the characters never stops during thousands of years
The process is hard; the progress is slow due to many obstacles
Only two big jumps were made in history by only two great men
One is the Beginning Empire of Qin Dynasty who united China for the very first time
Dare to do what he wanted to, he was preeminent in foreseeing
Overrode all objections, and overcame all difficulties
Chinese were so lucky that we have the same, and the unified writing language
The other one is the great Mao who was so talented in many areas
Not to mention his other merits, he shook the world with his smart articles
Promoted the simplified Chinese characters and the phonetic spellings
Made Chinese writing language much more simpler and easier
This great exploit and contribution could win fame for thousands of years
But with the vicissitude of the eras, no advance means to set back
The fittest will survive, it's ture for languages of all nations
It’s an irresistible trend to make a change to Chinese writing language
And let it be a world-wide language to be used by different people
Today, there is a man named Zhang Dao who developed a new way of his own
Flew through all the clouds and fogs, and reached the upmost final target
Optimized Chinese Characters from a position of strategic advantage
Cut off the overgrown weeds and kept the essence
Rationally rearranged all the characters according to their sounds
The square form unchanged, the theory of sound root adopted
Both morpheme and phoneme combined and integrated
Twice phonetic spellings, a creative invention matchless in the world
About four hundred of sounds, nine hundred of root characters
A root character has one sound only, so learners won’t get confused
Meaning part and sound part are so clear to tell
Draw inferences about other cases from one instance
Easy to learn and easy to remember, and need little rote
Once learned, never forget
The benefits will remain all life long
For children and foreign learners, one year is enough to accomplish the course
Bright and clear Chinese sounds and tunes will be popular and prevailing
The whole world will respect and admire and come to learn
Chinese language and culture will prevail and benefit the whole mankind
What a great charitable and good deed!
To prosper China and promote Chinese, the writing language is of great importance
Fortunately, Cang Jie【1】 comes back again
The policies are right and clever; the leaders of the nation are wise
Lift heavy objects easily with skills in the reforming movements
So, don’t miss the opportunity
Don’t miss the eccentric talented person who will help the nation in vigorous era to create a miracle merit
For enhancing Chinese and to benefit our children
To contribute to humankind and for promoting civilization
The merit and the fame will forever be remained in the history of the nation
Note【1】 Cang Jie is the man who created Chinese writing language in legend tale.
1  中华文明,博大精深;
2  灿烂辉煌,史册彪炳;
3  天下仰慕,举世公认。
4  方块汉字,卓著功勋;
5  神奇魔方,四海扬名。
6  憾哉难学,困惑世人。
7  汉字简化,悠悠千载;
8  障碍重重,步履艰辛。
9  大手巨擘,仅有两人:
10 威威始皇,九州归一;
11 敢做敢为,胆识超群,
12 力排众议,斩棘披荆,
13 中华幸甚,书有同文。
14 人杰毛君,才华横溢,
15 威震天下,四卷雄文;
16 简写汉字,推崇拼音,
17 化繁为简,文理畅顺;
18 建树伟业,万世留名。
19 时代变迁,不进则退;
20 各国语文,劣汰优胜。
21 改革汉字,走向世界,
22 进化要求,势在必行。
23 今有張道【1】,独辟蹊径,
24 穿云破雾,直捣黄龙。
25 优化汉字,高屋建瓴;
26 合理重排,去芜存菁。
27 所有汉字,按音归纳;
28 音根原理,不变方形。
29 语素音素,两美俱全;
30 举世无双,二次拼音;
31 四百余音,九百余根;
32 根无异音,形声不混;
33 义部音根,一望而知;
34 举一反三,有规可循。
35 易学易记,无需死背;
36 学则不忘,惠及终生;
37 儿童外族,一年可成。
38 朗朗华语,音调明亮;
39 字正腔圆,九州同声;
40 优易语文,世界同认;
41 四海仰学,潮流可成。
42 华夏文化,降福人类;
43 善莫大焉,何须细陈。
44 振兴中华,文字堪重;
45 华夏有幸,仓颉再生。
46 国政通达,领袖英明;
47 重整乾坤,举重若轻;
48 莫错良机,莫失奇人;
49 襄助盛世,建树奇勋。
50 弘扬中华,造福子孙;
51 贡献人类,推进文明;
52 丰碑美名,永存汗青!
QQ: 747840402


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发表于 2008-7-10 22:25:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复:Call for the Optimization of the Chinese

本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 05:24 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-11 04:55:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复 2F 白沙 的帖子

本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 05:24 编辑


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发表于 2008-7-11 12:20:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复:Call for the Optimization of the Chinese

本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 05:24 编辑

too long to read

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发表于 2008-7-14 12:15:00 | 显示全部楼层

回复:Call for the Optimization of the Chinese

本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 05:24 编辑


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