本帖最后由 宛城卧龙 于 2019-11-21 08:36 编辑
词曲:Richard Carpenter & John Bettis
When I was young I'd li-sten to the ra-dio. 记得曾经每一个宁静夜晚, Wai-ting for my fa-vorite songs. 月光洒满窗~前, When they played I'd sing a-long. 电波中美妙歌声, It made me smile. 伴我入眠。 Those were such ha-ppy times and not so long a-go. 总感觉快乐时光并未走~远, How I won-dered where they'd gone. 仿佛就在昨~天, But they're back a-gain. 当我唱~起, Just like a long lost friend. 那熟悉的旋律, All the songs I love so well. 往事历历在眼前。
E-very shalalala e-very wowo still shines. 唱起shalalala,唱起wowo旋律, E-very shingalingaling that they are star-ting to sing so fine. 唱起shingalingaling,打开所有尘封回忆。
When they get to the part. 唱到悲伤时候, Where he's brea-king her heart. 泪水止不住流, It can rea-lly make me cry. 岁月把青春带走, Just like be-fore. 不再回头, It's yes-ter-day once more. 我多想~挽留。 Shoobie do lang lang. Shoobie do lang lang.
Loo-king back on how it was in years gone by. 回想从前日子温馨又浪漫, And the good times that I had. 没有那么多纷乱, Makes to-day seem ra-ther sad. 时光飞转,一~切 So much has changed. 都已改变。 It was songs of love that I would sing to them. 那些早已唱不出口的歌曲, And I'd me-mo-rize each word. 我却依然能记起, Those old me-lo-dies still sound so good to me. 岁月抹不去那动人的旋律, As they melt the years a-way. 在我心中的印记。
All my best me-mo-ries. 往事涌上心头, Come back clear-ly to me. 泪水止不住流, Some can e-ven make me cry. 岁月把青春带走, Just like be-fore. 不再回头, It's yes-ter-day once more. 我多想~挽留。 Shoobie do lang lang. Shoobie do lang lang.
译配随笔 英文歌词开篇通常开门见山直入主题,而中文歌词往往需要先有意境的铺垫,再徐徐引出主题。拙译以“夜晚的月光”开篇,以求与原曲温婉从容的旋律意境相匹配。原文中“收音机”这种工业化产品若直译往往与中文歌词惯用的寓情于景手法相去甚远,而“电波”既在日常中指代广播节目,又与波光粼粼的意境相通,与“夜晚的月光”一起构成一幅柔美画卷。译文第四句以“入眠”结尾,使听众感受到了画面中的人物一定是微笑着入睡的,再现原词“当歌声响起,我微笑着哼唱”的意境;第三段“唱到悲伤时候”一句,原词是“熟悉的歌曲中唱到了青年男女分手时,男孩伤透女孩的心时,我的泪水流了下来”,描述太过具体,与中文歌词追求抽象的意境美相去甚远,故得此现译;第四段用“唱不出口的歌曲”译songs of love,体现中文歌词婉约特征;最后一段“岁月把青春带走,不再回头,我多想挽留”一句对译原词some can even make me cry(有些回忆使我哭泣),符合中文委婉表达伤感情绪的惯常表达方式。