本帖最后由 宛城卧龙 于 2019-11-21 08:36 编辑
Mid-night, not a sound from the pave-ment. 深夜,长街一片~沉寂, Has the moon lost her me-mo-ry? 仿佛月亮不在~意, She is smi-ling a-lone. 默默照亮大地。 In the lamp-light, 昏黄街灯, the wi-thered leaves co-llect at my feet. 干枯落叶陪在我身旁, And the wind 听那风, be-gins to moan. 为我哭泣。
Me-mo-ry, all a-lone in the moon-light. 月~下,独自在街头流浪, I can smile at the old days. 微笑回忆那过往, I was beau-ti-ful then. 也曾花容月貌。 I re-mem-ber 明月昭昭, the time I knew what ha-ppi-ness was. 叹过去时光多么美好, Let the me-mo-ry 我想重~温, live a-gain. 那旧梦。
E-very street lamp 看那街灯, seems to beat~ 忽明忽暗, (a) fa-ta-lis-tic war-ning. 好像在眨眼睛。 Some-one mu-tters 行人低语, and a street lamp gu-tters. 却又步履匆匆, And soon it will be mor-ning. 预示黎明要来临。
Day-light, I must wait for the sun-rise. 期待,新的一天会到来, I must think of a new life. 新的生活要打开, And I mu-stn't give in. 我不会再逃避。 When the dawn comes, 今夜过去, to-night will be a me-mo-ry too. 又将会成为一段回忆, And a new day 把它藏在 will be-gin. 我心底。
Burnt out ends of smo-ky days~, 晨光破晓,烟雾缭绕, (the) stale cold smell of mor-ning. 弥漫清冷味道。 The street lamp dies~. 待街灯熄灭, (A)-no-ther night is o-ver. 月色渐渐褪去, A-no-ther day is daw-ning. 迎接那朝阳升起。
Touch me, it's so ea-sy to leave me 请你,不要轻易再离去, all a-lone with my me-mo-ry 留下我独自一~人, of my days in the sun. 陷入难忘回忆。 If you touch me, 我愿随你, you'll un-der-stand what ha-ppi-ness is. 找寻美好生活的真谛。 Look a new day 看那朝阳, has be-gun... 已升起...
译配随笔 这首歌是百老汇经典音乐剧《猫》中一只离群闯荡却落魄而回的猫的独白,它在祈求猫群的重新接纳。原文第二句Has the moon lost her me-mo-ry? 有译本直译为“月亮也失去记忆”,乍听起来很美,但逻辑上经不起推敲。拙译经反复斟酌后译为“仿佛月亮不在意”,即“月亮好像没注意到我的处境,只有落叶和风理解我的感受”;原文最后一段If you touch me, you'll un-der-stand what ha-ppi-ness is的字面意思是“如果你抚摸我,你会懂得什么是快乐”,从语篇角度看,照此译出不足以表达乞求接纳的口吻,反而像在进行某种交易。现译“我愿随你找寻美好生活的真谛”则很直接地表达出主动寻求接纳的意愿,加上所对应旋律为本段结尾前的最后一个小高潮,使旋律与歌词相得益彰。