Trees of beauty 美丽的胡杨
Symphony of life 生命的交响
With your sturdy arms against the sand's bosom 你坚实的臂膀贴紧沙的胸膛
You dance with the wind and waves 舞风戏浪
You stand upright 你饱经沧桑
Despite all that you have endured 挺起脊梁
Each gust of sandy wind 每一次风沙掠过
Leaves behind lines of an eternal poem 都留下不朽的诗行
On this raft called the desert 你乘沙漠之舟
You sail with Earth, adrift in space 伴地球在宇宙间徜徉
And like sand 与沙一样 You leave behind gold and warmth 留下永恒的滚烫和金黄
Trees of beauty 美丽的胡杨
Noble brides 骄傲的新娘
Each of your golden leaf 你的每一片金叶
Is a blessing from God 都是上帝赐予的吉祥
You sing beneath the blue sky 你在蓝天下歌唱
And dance with the sandy wind 与沙海风韵共舞
My heart 我心
Soars 飞翔
Trees of beauty 美丽的胡杨
Like standing monuments 恰似丰碑座座
Carving legends and 书写英雄的浪漫
Telling tales from the dunes 讲述大漠的传说
History flows by like a river 历史长河
You stand unfazed 不曾把你淹没
In the setting sun, among specs of sand 夕阳下 沙粒中
You stand 你的风骨依然硕硕
Eons of wind and frost 风霜岁月
Carved your noble spirit 铸就了你高傲的品格
A thousand years of standing your ground 千年不倒
Upholding a thousand years of solitude 固守千年的寂寞
Your body 你的英姿
A bold sculpture 如刚毅的镌刻
A graceful note 在世纪的乐章里
In this piece of symphony called history 尽显婀娜
You are an armoured battalion 你是铁马金戈
Guarding the dunes 厮守大漠
Firm and indomitable 威武不屈
Smiling at the winds' rise and fall 笑看风起云落
Trees of beauty 美丽的胡杨
Praises for the legends 英雄的赞歌
For a millennium 高傲的胡杨千年不倒
You stand in the desert 在大漠中挺立
Shining bright like the stars 敢与日月同辉
Spring sprouts tender green branches 春来青枝滴翠
Autumn bares fruits and golden leaves 秋来金黄累累
All while the sandy wind blows 尽在风沙为伍时吐气扬眉
For a millennium 倒下的胡杨千年不死
After your fall 一息尚存
Your last breath comforts the land 仍把大地抚慰
The desert preserves life 大漠的精英让生命凯旋
Souls return triumphantly 凝望苍穹
And gaze into space with no regrets 无怨无悔
As if still dancing to 依稀风舞情醉
The ebb and flow of the sea of sand 笑看沙海潮涨潮退
Come thunder and storm, no tears shall be shed 任凭雨打风残 有血无泪
For a millennium 死后的胡杨千年不朽
After your death 条条躯干化作尊尊丰碑
Your bodies become monuments and witnesses of this world. 铭刻世事真伪 见证千秋功罪