长相思 李白 长相思,在长安。 络纬秋啼金井阑,微霜凄凄簟色寒。 孤灯不明思欲绝,卷帷望月空长叹。 美人如花隔云端。 上有青冥之长天,下有渌水之波澜。 天长路远魂飞苦,梦魂不到关山难。 长相思,摧心肝。
许渊冲译本 Endless Longing I long for one in all at royal capital. The autumn cricket wails beside the golden rails. Light frost mingled with dew, my mat looks cold in hue. My lonely lamp burns dull, of longing I would die; Rolling up screens to view the moon, in vain I sigh. Above, the boundless heaven spreads its canopy screen; Below, the endless river rolls its billows green. My soul can't fly over sky so vast nor streams so wide; In dreams I can't go through mountain pass to her side. We are so far apart; the longing breaks my hear.
弗莱彻译本 MUUTUAL LONGING ( The man ) Long dream we of each other. At Ch'ang-an far away Wails sadly autumn's cficket For Venus' waning ray. The first frost falls, and chilliness Invades the bed's delight. But dully burns my lonely lamp, Thought dies away in night. The blind I roll; and gaze upon Yon lonely Moon; and sigh For those fair flower-like beauties That veiling clouds deny, Above the azure ocean deeps Stretch endless o'er the sky: Below roll limpid billows. Hard for the soul to fly O'er skies so long and earth so wide! So high the passes, deep the tide, Thy vision comes not to my side. Yet mutual longings us enwrap, Until my very heart-strings snap.