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发表于 2014-6-14 14:28:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 15:05 编辑

 威廉·布赖恩特
 啊,美丽的乡野姑娘,
 浓阴密林是你出生的地方;
 绿色枝条,依稀天影,
 是你儿时眼中唯有的景象。
 浓阴中玩耍,
 密林里流浪,
 周围所有的美丽,
 聚集心中,挂在脸上。
 你的秀发暗影绰绰,
 映着丛林岩石微微闪亮;
 你的步履是阵阵清风,
 在树叶间嬉戏游荡。
 你的眼睛是清澈的泉水,
 平静的水面映照云影天光;
 你的睫毛是幽幽芳草,
 溪水映衬,倩影摇晃。
 密林深处,无人造访,
 纯洁无暇一如你的胸膛;
 充满宁静幽僻的气氛,
 那是一个神圣的殿堂。
O, Fairest Of The Rural Maids!
William Cullen Bryant
O, fairest of the rural maids!
Thy birth was in the forest shades;
Green boughs, and glimpses of the sky,
Were all that met thine infant eye.
Thy sports, thy wanderings, when a child,
Were ever in the sylvan wild,
And all the beauty of the place
Is in thy heart and on thy face.
The twilight of the trees and rocks
Is in the light shade of thy locks;
Thy step is as the wind, that weaves
Its playful way among the leaves.
Thine eyes are springs, in whose serene
And silent waters heaven is seen;
Their lashes are the herbs that look
On their young figures in the brook.
The forest depths, by foot unpressed,
Are not more sinless than they breast;
The holy peace, that fills the air
Of those calm solitudes, is there.

来自圈子: 译诗

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发表于 2014-6-15 08:47:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 15:05 编辑


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发表于 2014-6-15 08:55:34 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 15:05 编辑


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