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发表于 2014-8-2 14:13:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:49 编辑


       珀西·比希·雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792—1822)英国诗人


            西风颂








  V


Ode to the West Wind 


O WILD West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being
Thou from whose unseen presence the leaves dead
Are driven like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,

Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,
Pestilence-stricken multitudes! O thou
Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed

The wingèd seeds, where they lie cold and low,
Each like a corpse within its grave, until
Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow

Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill
(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)
With living hues and odours plain and hill;

Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;
Destroyer and preserver; hear, O hear!


Thou on whose stream, 'mid the steep sky's commotion,
Loose clouds like earth's decaying leaves are shed,
Shook from the tangled boughs of heaven and ocean,

Angels of rain and lightning! there are spread
On the blue surface of thine airy surge,
Like the bright hair uplifted from the head

Of some fierce M?nad, even from the dim verge
Of the horizon to the zenith's height,
The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge

Of the dying year, to which this closing night
Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre,
Vaulted with all thy congregated might

Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere
Black rain, and fire, and hail, will burst: O hear!


Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams
The blue Mediterranean, where he lay,
Lull'd by the coil of his crystàlline streams,

Beside a pumice isle in Bai?'s bay,
And saw in sleep old palaces and towers
Quivering within the wave's intenser day,

All overgrown with azure moss, and flowers
So sweet, the sense faints picturing them! Thou
For whose path the Atlantic's level powers

Cleave themselves into chasms, while far below
The sea-blooms and the oozy woods which wear
The sapless foliage of the ocean, know

Thy voice, and suddenly grow gray with fear,
And tremble and despoil themselves: O hear!


If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear;
If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee;
A wave to pant beneath thy power, and share

The impulse of thy strength, only less free
Than thou, O uncontrollable! if even
I were as in my boyhood, and could be

The comrade of thy wanderings over heaven,
As then, when to outstrip thy skiey speed
Scarce seem'd a vision—I would ne'er have striven

As thus with thee in prayer in my sore need.
O! lift me as a wave, a leaf, a cloud!
I fall upon the thorns of life! I bleed!

A heavy weight of hours has chain'd and bow'd
One too like thee—tameless, and swift, and proud.


Make me thy lyre, even as the forest is:
What if my leaves are falling like its own?
The tumult of thy mighty harmonies

Will take from both a deep autumnal tone,
Sweet though in sadness. Be thou, Spirit fierce,
My spirit! Be thou me, impetuous one!

Drive my dead thoughts over the universe,
Like wither'd leaves, to quicken a new birth;
And, by the incantation of this verse,

Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth
Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!
Be through my lips to unawaken'd earth

The trumpet of a prophecy! O Wind,
If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?


                 自由的召唤
 从教养所到监狱,
 有如刚刚爬起来的尸体,
 面色苍白的男女老幼,
 发出痛苦的呻吟,寒冷的悲泣――
 一年年,一日日,
 苦苦挣扎,耗尽心力,
 人们的内心一片荒芜,
 忧愁无限,一贫如洗――
 从那遥远的宫墙,
 传来阵阵低沉的痛惜,
 就象呼呼的风声,
 回荡在人们的耳际。
 围城中的上流社会,
 少数好人还有良知正义;
 他们同情呻吟哀号的姊妹,
 他们关注劳苦虚弱的兄弟。
 饱受灾难的人们啊,
 你们应该觉察这个秘密:
 你们的祖国已被出卖,
 那是用鲜血与黄金达成的交易。
 举行一此盛大的集会,
 气氛庄严无比,
 用清淅的语言郑重宣告,
 上帝的子民,自由属于你!
 这宣言有如惊雷响起,
 把头上的大山轰塌在地,
 它在每个人心中回荡,
 一次又一次,相继不息。
 起来,沉睡的雄狮,
 万众一心,所向无敌!
 象抖落身上的露珠,
 把枷锁挣脱抛弃;
 你们人数众多,他们寥寥无几!
The Call to Freedom (1819)

From the workhouse and the prison
Where pale as corpses newly risen,
Women, children, young and old
Groan for pain, and weep for cold -
From the haunts of daily life
Where is waged the daily strife
With common wants and common cares
Which sows the human heart with tares -
Lastly from the palaces
Where the murmur of distress
Echoes, like the distant sound
Of a wind alive around
Those prison halls of wealth and fashion
Where some few feel such compassion
For those who groan, and toil, and wail
As must make their brethren pale -
Ye who suffer woes untold,
Or to feel, or to be behold
Your lost country bought and sold
With a price of blood and gold -
Let a vast assembly be,
And with great solemnity
Declare with measured words that ye
Are, as God has made ye, free -
And these words shall then become
Like Oppression's thunder doom
Ringing through each heart and brain,
Heard again - again - again
Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number -
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many - they are few.


                                 失去伴侣的孤鸟
 冬日的枝头一片荒凉,
 失去伴侣的孤鸟哀哀吟唱;
 刺骨的寒风涩涩吹佛,
 冰冷的溪水静静流淌。
 林中的树叶全都飘落,
 地上一无鲜花开放;
 环顾四周肃杀死寂,
 唯有旋转的水车嘎嘎作响。
A Widow Bird Sate Mourning For Her Love

A widow bird sate mourning for her Love
Upon a wintry bough;
The frozen wind crept on above,
The freezing stream below.
There was no leaf upon the forest bare,
No flower upon the ground,
And little motion in the air
Except the mill-wheel's sound.


                            爱 的 哲 理

 泉水溶进江河,
 江河汇入海洋;
 暖风八方相聚,
 齐集爱的芬芳。
 世事皆有定律,
 万物相互包藏;
 你我天意难违,
 何不结对成双?
 高山亲吻蓝天,
 波浪拥抱波浪;
 百花相亲相爱,
 共享和煦春光。
 阳光拥抱大地,
 月色亲吻海浪;
 如果你不吻我,
 一切都是荒唐。

 西方人求爱的方式有时会无所不用其极, 为达到爱的目的, 可以不择手段, 理智往往会让位于感情。
 在这首诗中, 为了求爱, 诗人动用了风、花、日、月、山川、海洋等万事万物甚至天意来证实两人相爱的必然, 大气磅礴之中也就顾不得许多思辨的常理。这理性的逻辑虽然荒唐, 可这非理性的真情却能打动人心。这也许就是诗人心中的爱的哲理吧。
 基于原作意趣, 译作要求词句简洁明了, 节奏轻快急促, 语气坚定坦率, 音韵爽朗响亮。

Love’s Philosophy
 The fountains mingle with the river,
And the rivers with the ocean;
 The winds of heaven mix forever,
With a sweet emotion;
 No thing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
 In one another’s being mingle:---
Why not I with thine?
 See! the mountains kiss high heaven,
And the waves clasp one another;
 No sister flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother;
 And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea:---
 What are all these kissings worth,
If thou kiss not me?


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