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发表于 2014-8-6 14:56:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:47 编辑


           阿尔杰农·查尔斯·斯温伯恩(Algernon Charles Swinburne 1837–1909) 英国诗人


                                舞台之爱
 帷幕拉开,他们登台演戏两人联袂,
 男演国王女演王后最为般配;
 泪水化作笑声,笑声却柔如泪水,
 这本是她多年的梦想,不料会充满伤悲。
 欢乐中唇焦舌燥,痛苦里夜不能寐,
 长久的欢乐有刺痛伴随;
 当她与半真的情人表演半假的爱情,
 她对此一无所知毫无体会。
 尽管脚本最后要他们又哭又笑,
 让他今天织网明天又去扯碎,
 伤害他,作弄他,叫他去死,
 他在剧中真的死去,落幕后他满脸热泪。
 时光易逝时光无限谁能品出真味?
 爱情怎样滋长、欢笑、痛哭又消退?
 这一切她开始懂得,开始用心思量,
 当取悦一位男士的演出到此收尾。

Stage Love

When the game began between them for a jest,
He played king and she played queen to match the best;
Laughter soft as tears, and tears that turned to laughter,
These were things she sought for years and sorrowed after.
Pleasure with dry lips, and pain that walks by night;
All the sting and all the stain of long delight;
These were things she knew not of, that knew not of her,
When she played at half a love with half a lover.
Time was chorus, gave them cues to laugh or cry;
They would kill, befool, amuse him, let him die;
Set him webs to weave to-day and break to-morrow,
Till he died for good in play, and rose in sorrow.
What the years mean; how time dies and is not slain;
How love grows and laughs and cries and wanes again;
These were things she came to know, and take their measure,
When the play was played out so for one man’s pleasure.

                              爱在海上
 登上爱的航船,
 我们要去何方?
 爱人啊,去还是留,
 扬帆还是划桨?
 风来八面,前路茫茫,
 只有五月才是大好时光;
 今天,落入爱的手掌,
 我们要去何方?
 岸边的风是临死的呼吸,
 带着亲吻的悲伤,
 欢乐成为以往;
 且用玫瑰比喻船舱;
 天晓得前路何在,
 一心随爱飘荡。
 今天,我们落入爱的手掌--
 水手是爱神插上翅膀,
 桅杆是鸽子的尖嘴刺向天堂,
 甲板由纯金打造,
 缆绳如逝去的少女发辫长长,
 储备是爱情之箭,
 各式各样,无比精良。
 今天,我们落入爱的手掌--
 爱人,我在何处送你登岸?
 是在异国他乡,
 还是在故园近旁?
 是迎着礼花绽放,
 还是朝着雪花飘扬?
 或者面对浪花激荡?
 今天,我们落入爱的手掌--
 爱人说,让我登岸,在那有爱的地方,
 只要箭与鸽子,
 手与心脏,
 亲爱的,这样的海岸,
 没有青年驾船出港,
 也没有登岸的姑娘。

Love at Sea
 
Imitated from Théophile Gautier
 
WE are in love’s land to-day;
Where shall we go?
Love, shall we start or stay,
Or sail or row?
There ’s many a wind and way,
And never a May but May;
We are in love’s hand to-day;
Where shall we go?
Our landwind is the breath
Of sorrows kiss’d to death
And joys that were;
Our ballast is a rose;
Our way lies where God knows
And love knows where.
We are in love’s hand to-day—

Our seamen are fledged Loves,
Our masts are bills of doves,
Our decks fine gold;
Our ropes are dead maids’ hair,
Our stores are love-shafts fair
And manifold.
We are in love’s land to-day—

Where shall we land you, sweet?
On fields of strange men’s feet,
Or fields near home?
Or where the fire-flowers blow,
Or where the flowers of snow
Or flowers of foam?
We are in love’s hand to-day—

Land me, she says, where love
Shows but one shaft, one dove,
One heart, one hand,—
A shore like that, my dear,
Lies where no man will steer,
No maiden land.


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发表于 2014-8-8 22:01:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:48 编辑


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发表于 2014-8-8 22:01:43 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:48 编辑


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发表于 2014-8-8 22:01:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:48 编辑


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