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发表于 2014-8-9 08:53:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:45 编辑

        埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe 1809—1849)美国诗人



                           安娜贝尔丽
 很久很久以前,
 在一个滨海的王国里,
 住着一位众所周知的女孩,
 名字就叫安娜贝尔丽。
 女孩生来别无牵挂,
 只愿与我相亲相爱如胶似漆。
 我们两个都是孩子,
 在这滨海的王国里,
 我们的爱感天动地,
 我和我的安娜贝尔丽,
 六翼天使也艳羡不已。
 风波因此而起,
 在这滨海的王国里;
 云端刮来一阵恶风,
 冻僵了我美丽的安娜贝尔丽;
 把她从我身边抢走,
 她那些显赫的贵戚,
 将她关进一方坟墓,
 在这滨海的王国里。
 天堂虽好难寻真爱,
 天使对我们心存妒忌。
 是的,不用怀疑,
 风波因此而起,
 夜里云端刮来一阵恶风,
 冻僵了杀害了我的安娜贝尔丽。
 我们的爱感天动地,
 更聪明、更成熟的人也无法相比,
 海里的妖魔鬼怪,
 空中的天仙神祗,
 不能让我们的灵魂分离,
 美丽的安娜贝尔丽。
 明月倾泻清辉,
 我梦见美丽的安娜贝尔丽;
 星光闪烁眼睛,
 我想起美丽的安娜贝尔丽;
 我睡在你的身边,
 枕着夜晚的潮汐,
 我的爱人,我的生命,
 我的新娘,我的唯一,
 伴着海浪拍打的坟茔,
 陪着涛声环绕的墓地。

Annabel Lee

It was many and many a year ago
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
I was a child and she was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea;
But we loved with a love that was more than love-
I and my Annabel Lee;
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her highborn kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulcher
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in heaven,
Went envying her and me-
Yes! - that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of the cloud by night,
Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we-
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling - my darling - my life and my bride,
In the sepulcher there by the sea,
In her tomb by the sounding sea.


                           致海伦

To Helen

Helen, thy beauty is to me
Like those Nicean barks of yore,
That gently, o'er a perfumed sea,
The weary, wayworn wanderer bore
To his own native shore.
On desperate seas long wont to roam,
Thy hyacinth hair, thy classic face,
Thy Naiad airs have brought me home
To the glory that was Greece
And the grandeur that was Rome.
Lo! in yon brilliant window-niche
How statue-like I see thee stand,
The agate lamp within thy hand!
Ah, Psyche, from the regions which
Are Holy Land!



 你是我生命的支柱,
 你是我灵魂的寄托;
 你是绿岛激活沉寂的大海,
 你是清泉滋润荒芜的沙漠;
 你是圣坛永留人间,我的爱,
 你的身边长满奇花异果;
 我宁愿时时与你为拌,
 就象那四季长开的花朵。
 美梦总难长久,
 好事往往多磨;
 我的希望犹如夜空的繁星,
 却为何又叫云遮雾裹?
 未来呼唤我往前奋进,
 过去却成了阻挡的沟壑;
 口不能张,身不能移,
 我的神志多么惊恐惶惑!
 天呵,我的生命已经暗然失色,
 声声叹息,奈何,奈何,奈何!
 无情的大海也为之动情,
 沿着沙岸把这叹息流播;
 折翅的雄鹰何以高飞,
 雷劈的枯树怎能复活!
 白日的虚幻蒙蒙笼笼,
 夜间的梦境浑浑噩噩;
 只见你轻灵的脚步跳荡,
 只见你灰色的眼睛闪烁;
 拌着那千古长流的溪水,
 你的倩影飘忽,舞姿婆娑。

      这首诗侧重歌颂逝去的爱人的人格魅力。诗人把她看作“精神的支柱”、“灵魂的寄托”,把她比作“绿岛”、“清泉”、“圣坛”。失去爱人,诗人美梦难成,希望破灭,神智恍惚,生命黯然失色,犹如折翅的雄鹰和雷劈的枯枝。在诗人心中,“她” 时时刻刻永远活在自己的身边。为了突出 “绿岛”、“清泉”、“圣坛” 等形象,汉译作了适当增补,分别译为 “你是绿岛激活沉寂的大海”,“你是清泉滋润荒芜的沙漠”, “你是圣坛永留人间”,使原作侧重点得以凸现。

 To One in Paradise

 Thou wast all that to me, love,
 For which my soul did pine---
 A green isle in the sea, love,
 A Fountain and a shrine,
 All wreathed with fairy fruits and flowers,
 And all the flowers were mine.
 Ah, dream too bright to last!
 Ah, starry hope! that didst arise
 But to overcast!
 A voice from out the Future cries,
“On! on! ” ── but o’er that
 ( Dim gulf!) my spirit hovering lies
 Mute, motionless, aghast!
 For, alas! alas! with me
 The light of life is o’er!
“No more--- no more --- no more---”
(Such language holds the solemn sea
 To the sands upon the shore)
Shall bloom the thunder-blasted tree,
 Or the stricken eagle soar!
And all my days are trances,
 And all my nightly dreams
Are where thy gray eye glances,
 And where thy footstep gleams---
In what ethereal dances,
 By what eternal streams.


                                梦中梦

 亲吻额头为分手,
 他日岂可再相逢;
 此时方悟你所言,
 欢情只是一场梦;
 白昼黑夜两浑浑,
 虚景幻像皆朦朦;
 恰似情缘已了断,
 何以再去觅踪影?
 你我眼见与想见,
 不过全是梦中梦。
 站在海边听涛声,
 汹涌澎湃浪翻腾;
 伸手握沙金灿灿,
 细沙难留手指缝;
 上帝如何来相助,
 神祗怎奈无万能;
 大浪淘沙谁可免,
 满面无语泪纵横;
 你我眼见与想见,
 难道全是梦中梦?


A Dream within a Dream

Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow—
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if Hope has flown away
In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?
All that we see or seem
Is but a dream within a dream.
I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand-
How few! Yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep—while I weep!
Oh God! can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?

来自圈子: 译诗

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发表于 2014-8-9 19:27:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:45 编辑


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