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发表于 2014-8-11 08:40:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:46 编辑

           威廉·布莱克(William Blake 1757—1827)英国诗人



                                         醒来! 醒来! 醒来!英格兰!
 醒来! 醒来! 醒来!英格兰!
 你的姐妹耶路撒冷正在召唤!
 你为何还要死一般地沉睡,
 把她关在你古老的城墙外面?
 你的峡谷,你的群山,
 胸脯上感到她的双足移动轻缓;
 你的城门曾经注视美好的天国之路,
 那时,爱与喜悦充满人间。
 如今,那样的时代再次重返,
 我们精神振奋,一起狂欢,
 伦敦的高塔迎接上帝的羔羊,
 住进英伦碧绿怡人的家园。

England! Awake! Awake! Awake!

England! awake! awake! awake!
Jerusalem thy Sister calls!
Why wilt thou sleep the sleep of death
And close her from thy ancient walls?
Thy hills and valleys felt her feet
Gently upon their bosoms move:
Thy gates beheld sweet Zion's ways:
Then was a time of joy and love.
And now the time returns again:
Our souls exult and London's towers
Receive the Lamb of God to dwell
In England's green and pleasant bowers.

                                      杀人树

A Poison Tree

I was angry with my friend;
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.
And I waterd it in fears,
Night and morning with my tears:
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.
And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright.
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine.
And into my garden stole.
When the night had veiled the pole;
In the morning glad I see,
My foe outstretchd beneath the tree.

                        荒野里我舞姿欢畅,

The Crystal Cabinet

The maiden caught me in the wild,
Where I was dancing merrily;
She put me into her cabinet,
And lock’d me up with a golden key.
That cabinet is formed of Gold
And Pearl and Crystal shining bright,
And within it opens into a world
And a little lovely Moony night.
Another England there I saw,
Another London with its Tower,
Another Thames and other Hills,
And another pleasant Surrey Bower,
Another Maiden like herself,
Translucent, lovely, shining clear,
Threefold each in the other clos’d, ---
O what a pleasant trembling fear!
O what a smile! A threefold smile
Fill’d me that like a flame I burn’d;
I bent to kiss the lovely Maid’
And fond a Threefold Kiss return’d.
I strove to seize the inmost Form
With ardor fierce and hands of flame,
But burst the Crystal cabinet,
And like a Weeping Babe become---
A weeping Babe upon the wild,
And Weeping Women pale reclin’d,
And in the outward air again
I fill’d with the passing Wind.


                                   歌


   Song

How sweet I roam’d from field to field
And tasted all the summer’s pride,
Till I the prince of love beheld
Who in the sunny beams glide!
He show’d me lilies for my hair,
And blushing roses for my brow;
He led me through his garden fair
Where all his golden pleasures grow.
With sweet May dew my wings were wet,
And Phoebus fired my vocal rage;
He caught me in his silken net,
And put me in his golden cage.
He loves to sit and hear me sing,
Then, laughing, sports and plays with me;
Then stretches out my golden wing,
And mocks my loss of liberty.


                                 伦敦
 伦敦的街道属富人专有,
 泰唔士河在一旁为他们日夜奔流;
 俳徊中我遇到一张张面颊挂着划痕,
 显现肌体的虚弱,浮露内心的忧愁。
 穷人没有发言的权利,
 禁令剥夺他们的一切自由;
 大人声声悲泣,幼儿阵阵哀嚎,
 禁锢灵魂的鉫锁声震街头。
 打扫烟囱的孩子放声痛哭,
 熏黑的教堂为之摇晃颤抖;
 士兵的叹息如战场的鲜血涌向宫墙,
 他们的不幸让宫殿受辱蒙羞。
 深夜的街巷令我最为寒心,
 怕听年轻妓女刻毒的诅咒:
 让新生的婴儿胎死腹中,
 结婚的花车变成下葬的灵柩!


I wandered through each chartered street,
Near where the chartered Thames does flow,
A mark in every face I meet,
Marks of weakness, marks of woe.
In every cry of every man,
In every infant's cry of fear,
In every voice, in every ban,
The mind-forged manacles I hear:
How the chimney-sweeper's cry
Every blackening church appals,
And the hapless soldier's sigh
Runs in blood down palace-walls.
But most, through midnight streets I hear
How the youthful harlot's curse
Blasts the new-born infant's tear,
And blights with plagues the marriage-hearse.


                             患病的玫瑰

啊, 玫瑰虽已绽开,



The Sick Rose

 O Rose, thou art sick!
 The invisible worm
 That flies in the night,
 In the howling storm,
 Has found out thy bed
 Of crimson joy,
 And his dark secret love
 Does thy life destroy.

                    神秘的爱

 别把爱情倾诉,
 只能藏在心底;
 犹如清风飘散,
 声息全无,踪影难觅!
 我把爱情倾诉,
 赤诚表白心迹;
 颤抖、寒冷、惶恐---
 呵,她竟将我抛弃!
 她与路人相遇,
 刚刚与我分离;
 竟然一见钟情,
 爱情实在神秘!
 犹如清风飘散,
 声息全无,踪影难觅!
 路人为何获爱?
 仅凭一声叹息!

          Love’s Secret
 Never seek to tell thy love,
 Love that never told can be;
 For the gentle wind doth move
 Silently, invisibly.
 I told my love, I told my love,
 I told her all my heart,
 Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears---
 Ah! She did depart!
 Soon after she was gone from me,
 A traveler came by,
 Silently, invisibly:
 He took her with a sigh.



The Tiger

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And, when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand and what dread feet?
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


                                   泥团与卵石
The Clod and the Pebble

Love seeketh not Itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care;
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair.
So sang a little Clod of Clay,
Trodden with the cattle's feet:
But a pebble of the brook,
Warbled out these metres meet.
Love seeketh only Self to please,
To bind another to Its delight:
Joys in another's loss of ease,
And builds a Hell in Heaven's despite.

来自圈子: 译诗

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发表于 2014-8-11 13:03:22 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:46 编辑


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