





已有 203 次阅读2014-8-28 09:13 |个人分类:诗歌





                                           《一》


 划破夜空的沉寂,
 驱散梦幻的昏迷,
 雄鸡高唱,
 声声不息。

 是发自内心?
 还是凤凰授意?
 是为人报晓?
 还是黎明前的欢喜?

 如果是凤凰授意,
 你不会乐此不疲;
 如果是黎明前的欢喜,
 你不会嘶声竭力。

 想你是发自内心,
 不图安逸;
 想你是为人报晓,
 夜夜唤醒大地。

Morning Crow

Break the night sky silence,
Crack the fond dream stupor,
Sound waves quick in sequence,
Loudly sings the rooster!

Purely free from bosom?
Put in trust by phoenix?
Herald dawn approaching?
 Or, just intoxicated?

 If, put in trust by phoenix,
How can you enjoy it?
 If, just intoxicated,
Why are you exhausted?

 True, purely free from bosom,
You are bent, not on seeking comfort,
 Sure you, herald dawn approaching,
 All nights, wake up whole world.

 《二》



Cosmogenesis Questions

The age of cosmos who can estimate?
Has it a time to terminate?
If it begins from a great explosion,
How does big bang force excumulate?
Was there a space before?
Then how to define the state?
Was there a time before?
How should we mark the rate?
Can it be silent forever after the first explosion?
Will new cosmoses in the old one be made?


 窒息的灵感



 Stifled Thought

 The boiling lines in brain sustain,
 Inspired fire sparks obscure remain;
 A pain coerces me to death,
 Upset in chest will choke my breath.

 May thunder smother'd cloud dispel,
 And lightning shoot across dim sky,
 And stormy splat the hush expel,
 Parturient groan induce birth cry!







 Chrimas Reverie----- Protest of the Guilty Serpent

 Romantic sheets of story are never concluding,
 Majestic scrolls of history forever unfolding,
 I cold-eyed,at crawl on groud survey the world,
 Experence tortures without regret being heard.

 If Adam hadn't tasted forbidden fruit,
 And Eva shouldn't have been so shrewd,
 If I hadn't risked my life as to induce,
 And prohibition God makes we dared not refuse;

 Yet all is hard to think and analyze,
 Still harder to imagine great surprise;
 Without the docile and absurd defiance,
 How the Human can do wonders of high science?

 Punition has been swollowed long and silent,
 For thousands of years,who has passed the judgement?
 With my protest in loud voice I press Jehovah tight ,
 Today, its time for You to put injustice right!

 《五》

 通天塔之后

 (献给沟通人类思想的天使--中国的教师特别是外语教师)





After Babel

 The Christ’s suspected to have worked magic,
 When lingua turmoil cuts of dialogue among hearts;
 Unable to build up label peoples are in tragic,
 A world of war and doubts ever since starts.

 In dark attacks each other with strange expressions,
 Amid nightmare fighting goes on weapons in hand;
 Abandon’d all together wisdom and conscience,
 Severely blood and tear are shed on all land.

 Afraid of neither snow nor storm,
 The sacred angel,fair flower;
 The part to fill up abyss she would perform,
 Bridging obstacles with all her power.

 She changes the time with arousing eyes,
 Ardent lyrics cause the youth to prosper,
 And all begin to conceive a new way to paradise,
 Contrive in concert human future.

 《六》

 通天塔咒语

 人人都能前往伊甸乐园,
 传说中通天塔直通青天;
 苦苦求索共建高塔的咒语,
 世上的青年何止万千。
 通天塔咒语十分灵验,
 要想授予凡人并不简单;
 除非耗尽自己毕生的心力,
 方能教会那些信女善男。

 决计让这神奇的咒语广为流传,
 善良美丽的天使来到人间。
 尽管她含辛茹苦全力以赴,
 命运之神却处处阻拦。

 说她是女巫身份可疑,
 说她的咒语并非真言;
 她的美丽善良得不到理解,
 饱含热泪离开那神圣的讲坛。

Babel Incantation

 The legend says he has the right to Eden,
 If knows the Babel building Incantation;
 For parodise yet no one leaves the kitchen,
 Though thousand after thousand seek in passion.

 Effective really is the spell to heaven ,
 But hard it should bebroadlytaught to layman;
 It needs Exhausting effort plus the wisdom,
 Devout mass the world all over to up enlighten.

 An angel pretty comes to world of fashion,
 To spread devine entrust as called lesson;
 Although she does her best and not to slacken,
 Obstructed here and there she is by Fortune.

 He says her role a witch in great suspicion,
 Besides, her spell compared to wrongly poison;
 As no one understands her kind intention,
 With tears she left the shrine of art in person.





The Power of Maternal Love

As a baby at the breast,
I lost my mother,
Less than one hundred days
After the date of my birth!
Shielded by your tender body,
I survived the reverse;
You wipe away my tear stians
With brief last words.
Your face has been damaged,
Yet so close is your image;
I am the child,
You will never desert!
Oh, my mother,
All my life not orphaned,
Your love will forever nurse,
Which shocks human heart
And checks the quake of the earth!


 奥林匹克之歌


 The Song of Olympics

 Olympus,
 Is the mount
 Where gods wander;
 Olympics,
 Is the place
 Where athletes gather;
 For peace,
 For health,
 For dream,
 For future;
 Farther,wider,and greater;
 Faster,higher,and stronger;
 Sweeter,better,and brighter;
 Truer,fancier,and kinder.
 Colours,different,
 Languages,variant,
 But the harmony coherent.
 In the sky,
 All gods are hailing;
 On the land,
 people are singing.
 Ah,Olympics,
 With humanity in full play,
 Is forever prevailing!

 《九》

 心与梦

 梦
 夜夜相邀
 甜蜜
 沉醉
 朦胧
 奇妙

 心
 日日起潮
 高峰
 低谷
 泪水
 欢笑

 有梦
 心相系
 有心
 梦牵绕

Heart and Dream

Every night
I have dream
And sweet
And dim

Every day
My heart is at tide
Now and now
It should ascend and subside
Full of tears
And smile

We are of one heart
In dream
We never depart



 云
 在天上轻飘
 一朵朵
 洁白明亮
 自在逍遥
 有太阳的时候
 更加洁白明亮
 有风的时候
 更加自在逍遥
 心
 扑腾欢跳
 情
 如烈火熊熊燃烧
 云
 不顾海阔
 不管山高
 飘到爱人头顶
 满脸泪水
 化作微笑

 雾
 在地上笼罩
 一层层
 昏沉浓重
 迷茫寂寥
 没有太阳的时候
 更加昏沉浓重
 没有风的时候
 更加迷茫寂寥
 心
 忧愁苦恼
 情
 似余烬郁闷烦躁
 雾
 两眼封锁
 周身萦绕
 寸步离开不得
 满脸泪水
 驱走微笑

 雾在
 云就散
 云在
 雾也消

Cloud and Fog

Free and gay
Clear and bright
The cloud is
Roving in the sky
Freer and gayer
While wind stronger
Clearer and brighter
With the sun over
My heart
My passion
To my lover
How I wish
The cloud white
Surpass mountain high
Surpass the sea wide
All the tears
Turn to smile

Dim and cold
Dense and tight
The fog is
In my eyes
Dimmer and colder
Without wind here
Denser and tighter
Without the sun there
My heart heavy
My passion chilly
Around me
Fogs abide
Mist and mist
At my side
All tears
Plus sighs

Where there's fog
Cloud will hide
Where there's cloud
Fog's out of sight

 《十一》

 怨别







Depature Complaint

Full of tear,my eyes,
Full of haze,my sight,
Backword look again and again,
Only crowd but you despite.

Riddle-like sky in mist,
On foot is scarlet carpet,
Winter wind chilly,
Setting sun wretched.

Like sheer cliff is the gangway,
That makes me back set,
And flowers like brambles overrun,
I can hardly move a step.

Through hellgate of hatch,
On flat passage I stumble,
Long and long and long,
I fall to seat after shuffle.

Read your poem in silence,
Call your name with conscience,
My heart is totally broken,
Still praying for your highest ascendance.

Alien land is not apart,
Up look we can see the sun the moon the stars,
Oh, my lover, nowhere to be found,
Worldly mountain you dare not surpass!

 《十二》







The Song of Sarho

Purely sonorous
Voice reflecting
Simply toxicated
Drum resounding

Neither frightened
Sorrow gone away
Nor perplexed
Only happy and gay

Chellenge Yama
By the spirit dancing
Out see the dead
For future shouting

Primevally unbosom
Originally unburden
Valiant people
Sanguine nation

Precious emotional treasure
Sumptuous spiritual banquet
Beyond the book a natural art
Behind mountain a cultural heritage

 《十三》

 痛苦 


The Greatest Pain

 The baby is in greatest pain,
 Whom mother yet unknown bare;
 The child is in greatest pain,
 Who enjoys no father’s care;
 The youth in greatest pain,
 When he is’nt loved by the fair;
 The lost is in greatest pain,
 If he cost his human share.
 All these were added up,
 Pandora’s box’s opened layer after layer;
 While releaved,
 A poetic golden age that is rare.




Always Together

You are the sky so blue,
I am the clear clouds over you;
You are the deep see at rest,
I am the fish swimming in your chest;
You are the mountain by the sea,
I am the bird day and night attending thee;
You are on mountain top the great pine,
I am the tight entwining vine;
You are the prairie on the mountain foot,
I like the wild grass in your bosom take root.
If your body in vapor should fly,
My spirit would also out die.

 《十五》



















 Adam and Eve’s Confession

 Is it evil?
 Or is it peril?
 Eve’s sin or Adam’s crime?
 No,neither devil nor scandal!

 Love is a great fire,
 Which can melt a field of snow,
 Ablaze in an icy world,
 Dispelling human woe.

 Its flowers blossom all the seasons,
 To beautify life’s desert,
 In full bloom, sending out fragrance,
 With rich fruits unmeasured.

 It enlightens the abysm,
 A lure not refused in Edom,
 A soft and sweet net of kindness,
 Which sores high on wings of wisdom.

 It is purely muddy,
 And of firm frailty,
 ---Sublimation of the common
 ---Degerneration of the holy.

 And it is wise folly,
 As well as smart clumsy;
 It sprouts in ice and snow,
 Its seeds generate lastingly.

 It is noble betrail,
 And a selfless commital;
 It is a pursuit for life,
 And eruption in a twinkle.

 It is the just subornation,
 And the alien masterpiece,
 Of your name the only concern,
 In great torture my release.

 It is the intimate touching,
 And the remote thunder pole,
 Nude of body and spirit,
 Blending of flash and soul.

 It’s gushing splendour at dawn,
 And reserved silence of evening sight,
 Powerful schorching of sunshine,
 Delicate drizzle of moonlight.

 It’s fashion trodition,
 And modern legendray,
 An intricate riddle,
 And an explicit story.

 How tall the wall to deter coward,
 What barrier to challenge the warrier!
 O,love, truth indestructible,
 And Ever existing human nature!

 It's contempt for prohibition,
 But master of our destiny;
 It is deprivable right,
 And Unshirkable duty.

 Oh,boiling is the blood,
 And sticking is affection,
 Widened is the vision,
 driven the ambision.

 Maelstrom raging,
 Billow surging,
 With love as the guide and pilot,
 But safe is our sailing.

 Happiness is not the cost,
 Paradise never lost,
 What got lost is ignorance,
 And indifference like frost.

 Crush themental shackles,
 Smash thepsychic fetters,
 Let life be full of sweetness,
 So we become lovers.






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