本帖最后由 李世纯译作 于 2024-9-4 13:56 编辑
- [Thomas] He ran with the feeling that he was fleeing from the world's manifold evil, that he had been implicated in the sacrilege; it was not only the fear of possible mortal sin. Suddenly he realized how dispensable he was, the self-deception of all those times he had imagined himself to be Dominic's friend. He was, in truth, nobody's friend. He ran for an eternity. (查看原文)
Adieudusk 2015-01-18 14:01:26
—— 引自第93页 - 每个人内心都有一幅自己与灵魂融合在一起的图景,但只要外人的一个眼神,就足以撕裂这种同一性,使他急于展示,不,我们不是我们可能喜欢的那个样子。之后,人们在自己的内心行走,同时带着痛苦审视自己。 (查看原文)
OOOrange 1赞 2024-01-30 07:55:44
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| Clumps of trees, and the cliffs that look into the distance. | They are your voice. | You speak to them, you can be heard, | But who will believe this? | Who will trust? |
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道 法 自 然
——原 作 / 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2020. 11. 29
奈何呦奈何,代代鸿沟,得过者且过 ... ...
The sun goes down in a great longing,
Everything falls into the hands of your rising.
The valley with the river silent.
Clumps of trees, and the cliffs that look into the distance.
They are your voice.
You speak to them, you can be heard,
But who will believe this?
Who will trust?
It is the most difficult of sciences,
To listen,
To see,
To enter into the work of hands,
Like one who lays out wine on a table.
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3. 译 注 / 译 后 感
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Ornithology in a World of Flux
It was only a bird call at evening, unidentified,
As I came from the spring with water, across the rocky back-pasture;
But so still I stood sky above was not stiller than sky in pail-water.
Years pass, all places and faces fade, some people have died,
And I stand in a far land, the evening still, and am at last sure
That I miss more that stillness at bird-call than some things that were to fail later.
难以割舍,念念不忘,嗯,该是平静,鸟鸣之际那种平静,不是呦,某种求索或未能 ... ...