本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 14:19 编辑
谢无心君鼓励. :-)
我涂得快, 错也多. :-)
多谢铁兄点评! :rose
1. O, look, rolling thunder, pouring rain 【thunder如何look?】
"look" 是随手加上凑字数的. 你的评论我脑子中也掠过, 但并未多想. 错处总要高人点出来才知道是真错. :-)
2. I await you daily time and time again 【每天等很多次?】
很多次啊. 这样用有错吗? 请指点迷jin. (can't find the chinese character.)
time after time also time and time again if something happens or is done time after time, it happens or is done many times
3. Till all the hills turn into many a road 【很多条路?】
这倒是. :-)
hills 变路, 就想当然是复数. 是, 一条阳光普照的大路就够了. :-)
4. And my worry makes the rocks erode. 【意象新鲜,佳笔!】
撞的. 谢鼓励! :-)
Dmitri Shostakovich - Romance (from The Gadfly)