| 看家狗
By Jonathan Aaron
| 乔纳森·亚伦
Five months old and already a hundred pounds,
| 五个月大,一百磅重,
head like a cinderblock wrapped in grey velour,
| 头如黑煤,间杂灰绒,
he pinned my arm under his chin on the chair arm
| 颚搭我手,双眼炯炯,
and fixed me with an unblinking, yellow-eyed stare.
| 紧盯着我,一动不动。
I tried to understand, but the heat was something.
| 它的心思,我已读懂,
The flagstones rippled like linen under water.
| 怎奈酷暑,炙石微隆,
Wasps kept dropping stupified from the grapevines.
| 葡萄藤下,晕晕黄蜂,
Not even the chickens were talking.
| 叽喳小鸡,静立笼中。
He sighed and licked his complicated chops.
| 它叹叹气,舔舔骨头;
My eyes kept closing. Good boy. I think I said.
| 我眯着眼,称赞于口。
That night I heard him barking in the shadows
| 夜静时分,树下嚎吼,
of the laurel grove, learning his trade.
| 犬学本领,看家护楼。