这要从三文鱼(又大马哈鱼,学名, 鲑鱼)的生长周期讲起,我这方面的知识不多,引一段它们的故事:三文鱼的生长周期非常有趣。它们生于淡水的河流源头,然后游到咸水的海里慢慢长大。它们长大后,又会凭着一种本能集体回流至出生地,回到与它们有生命联系的源头,繁殖后代。
成年的三文鱼到达它们出生的河流小溪会重新适应出生地的淡水生活, 母鱼在河床清理出一片产卵区产卵, 公鱼使之受精。 一两个星期之后,它们的生命便随之结束。
它们逆流而上的旅途是不可思议的,强大的主流冲击着它 们,而它们摆动着它们短小的尾巴,逆流而上,这一条生命之旅长达好几百哩,但是,它们就是那么一点一滴地游往上游,它们内心有一个导向:它们要回家。
At the brim of a deep pool before the rapids (pool, 应该是谈水了吧)
below that stone stairway for days overhead (我想这里的stone stairway 也就是fish ladder – 鱼梯)
the under-sheen of the other world turning darker (under-sheen, 是否水下世界的色彩?)
lighter again still holding the first taste (the taste of the waters of its birth)
of rain from the mountainside moving once more
to scale the shallowing ridge fishtailing over (scale, fishtailing, 鱼的用词)
down to the end of a deeper pool where the river (again, pool, river)
is windstorming around them among whirling
alder roots into what guides them lifts them
constantly toward colder water leaping (salmon leap )
above a leaping whiteness swirling from blue
green light to a wash of silver current again
again again returning they plunge upstream. (upstream 逆流。两个动词, 先leap 跃起,然后plunge upstream . 也见过 有用 hurtle 的, eg. The salmon hurtling upstream,像跳龙门一样的跳跃和冲撞)
鱼儿奋力跃起,不断地跳跃和冲撞,所以有 again, again, again,逆流而上,虽然每前进一步,即意谓越来越接近生命的终点,但生的使命是如此,没有退路。不屈不饶,视死如归!