本帖最后由 何威廉 于 2018-12-25 10:21 编辑
剑桥大学驻校诗人萨莎·达格黛尔(Sasha Dugdale)关于一首中国著名唐诗英译本的精彩评论。达格黛尔道出了中国古体诗词英译中存在的核心问题。
"......However I wanted to ask you to consider whether the translations have the same emotional impact as the originals, that is, that shock of image, sense, memory (individual and cultural) that a poem gives us. And whether you could usefully diverge from the poem's literal sense to give us that same emotional jolt. I don't have a ready answer to this question, but I think it is one all translators should have in their head as they work."
萨莎·达格黛尔(Sasha Dugdale),英国诗人、剧作家、翻译家,剑桥大学驻校诗人,已出版诗集四部,长诗《欢喜》(Joy)获2016前进诗歌最佳单首诗歌奖。2017年,萨莎获考蒙德利奖。