本帖最后由 宛城卧龙 于 2019-3-19 18:43 编辑
题字:蔡铁勇;插图:鲁霞 导语:译诗,我们主张写、译并行,多读、多写,在读与写中感悟,在感悟中去译,译,要译的忠实,译出诗意。鉴于此,经广泛征求意见,中诗翻译频道特设立“双语诗界”栏目。作为本栏目的第一期,也是为纪念我们熬过的带雪的寒冬(尽管南方很多地方未曾见到今年的雪)特向广大诗友、译者及旅居海外人士征集“雪”之主题原创双语诗词。旨在鼓励原创及翻译实践、留下对“雪”美好的回忆和印记。本期征文双语稿件多篇,我们选取较好的双语诗11首,稿件含词一篇:任诚刚《清平乐》;七言绝句一首;自由韵律诗两首:于岚《踏雪行》;自由诗7首。由于经验不足、时间仓促、谬误在所难免,还望各诗友、译家提出宝贵意见。
赏尽寒风气。 一片皑皑铺盖地, 骚领“冰州”②诗意。
积深③车道冰滑, 吟哼铁马悠爬。 何处寻屋归去? 只缘白雪藏家。
On A Heavy Snow in Milwaukee, Wisconsin①
Snowflakes waft about the city, With wind chills sting terribly. Expanse of white snow caps thousand li, Let one enjoy the "Ice State’s"②poetic quality.
Snow rolls up deep③, the road turns icy so, Humming, the iron horse would skid and go. Where to find my house? Lo! No, it is hidden amid snow.
注: ①此词填于1997年1月9日,据《密尔沃基新闻前哨报》报道,此次大雪为1997年新年的一大开场白。 ②威斯康辛州是美国北方最冷的一个州之一。每年冰天雪地近半年之久。 ③据当日的该报报道:气温在18*F(-8*C),雪积最深可达8英寸厚。
Note: ①The lyrics was composed in Jan. 1997 in US. and translated into English on Mar.3rd. 2019 in China. According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the heavy snow this time presents New Year with sheer white opening. ②As one of the coldest states in America, Wisconsin State,the scene of ice and snow world can last half an year. ③According to Milwaukee Journal Sentinel the temperature on that day is 18*F(-8*C), snow cumulates 8-inch deep.
匆匆行来, 踏碎玉一片。 眼前银光世界, 回首狼籍不堪。 再好的风光, 也无非一场梦幻。 平生遗恨多少, 旧恨未消, 新恨又添。 徒生了几根白发, 辜负了警世名言。 望白雪纷纷, 似欲把青丝再染,天无情。 念故乡旧友,阳春正盼。 知能与谁共,几盆香兰? 畏相逢,彼此无言。
Under my hurried feet are crashed pieces of jade
A silver world in front, a mess behind
Pretty sight is but a fantasy of the mind
Many regrets I have, how many I don’t know
Before old ones die, new ones would show
In vain my hair turns gray
For I've ignored life’s wise way
Behold the white snow, as if to dye my hair further so
The heartless heaven is my foe
I think of friends back in the hometown
Who look forward to hearing the spring song
I wonder with whom I shall share
The fragrance of orchid in the air
I fear that when we meet each other
Neither knows the words proper
浮光掠影, 清辉冷照寺门寒。 半床残籍今尚在, 问何处风云宝剑? 梦常见,含笑且带恨。 每欲零涕,又恐湿衣衫。 战袍空随孱弱, 悔不似壮士一般,应羞惭。 而今身隔重山,故乡遥远。 客牛不恋路边草, 委曲它鸟语花鲜。 休错认幽燕浪子, 迷莫愁管弦。 戍有期,还待解甲归田。
Walking on Snow continued
With glimmering light and shadows The moon shines on a cold temple door Dog-eared books still sit at my pillows Where is the wind-and-cloud sword? A hatred-hinting smile is oft in my dreams seen I want to shed tears, but they will my shirts stain Despite my warrior robe, my soul is weak Shame that no brave heart in me you can seek Now far from home, this traveler Is wary of roadside flirting flower A vagabond from the Yan mountains north Will not fall for the music of the south Service time flows like the hourglass sand I am waiting to set plow to my land
奏响一首老歌,熟悉的声音 随着窗外飘落的雪花 摇曳着四十年的悲欢离合
大地曾经豪情万丈,不过现在 它已心甘情愿地被雪花覆盖 风,把它雕刻成最原始的面貌
枯萎的树林流淌着温柔 那蹉跎岁月的想法 在雪花降临的时刻蜕变成涅槃的力量
再美的言语都成为多余 整个世界被晶莹剔透的生命 舞蹈成瑶池里的那朵莲花
飘落的雪花满载着深情 它让我想起母亲甜美的微笑 还让我听到故乡那春天将近的消息
Falling Snow By GUO Yingjie
An old tune playing on, a familiar voice goes With the snowflakes falling outside of the window, Shaking the joys and sorrows of forty years.
The earth used to be full of arrogance, but now It has been willingly covered with snowflakes. Wind, carving it into the most primitive appearance.
Gently flow the withered woods. The thought of idling away the coming days changes Into the power of Nirvana at the falling time of snowflakes.
However beautiful human words are, they become superfluous. The whole world waves with the translucent life, Dancing into a lotus flower in the Jade Pool.
那一年冬天, 雪一片一片一片。 我每天经过你的门前, 你总是对我一笑,笑得好甜。 虽然风雪交加道路迷离, 我总是满怀温暖,满怀信念, 前进在那个寒冷的冬天。
有一个春天, 花一片一片一片。 我们相遇在一个花园, 我倾诉我的衷情,我的爱恋。 你说从来没有看见过我, 我只有一阵失望,一阵迷茫, 迷失在那个绮丽的春天。
In the winter of that year, The snowflakes all over the sky flew. When I passed by your house every morning, You always gave me a sweet smile. Although the road was blurred by snow and wind, I struggled to move forward in that cold winter With full of warmth and faith.
In one spring, The flowers all over the garden bloomed. I met you by chance there. When I told you my heart and my love, You said you had never seen me. I could only feel disappointed and confused, And lost myself in that beautiful spring.
灰蒙蒙的天空 白衣的花仙子 乘着风的马车 飘飘洒洒 漫天飞舞 只为把大地治愈
千疮百孔不见了 姿色各异消失了 只有一望无垠的白 逼进人的眼 让人觉得众生平等
In the misty and gloomy sky Flower fairies dressed in white Are driving the carriage of wind Floating and fluttering high And flying all over the sky Only to heal the earth and make it fine
Thousands of holes are gone Different charms are no longer shone But the boundless white color, so dull Makes one feel all living creatures are equal
记不起是否曾约定过 不经意开门时惊喊的那一刻 连我自己也分不清 那门外的是故友 是新交 还是 天外来客
Couldn’t recall whether there was an appointment The moment that inadvertently opened the door and shouted Even I myself couldn’t tell Whether outside are old pals or new friends or extraterrestrial visitors
只薄薄的一层 便亮了整个夜 那长夜里一直徘徊在窗外的黑暗呢 你将它们收入囊中 埋进地下 还是 放逐僻野 我唯一可以确定的 是待你化为无形而离去时 它们又会肆无忌惮地 出没
The Night with Light Snow
Only a very thin layer Though lights up the whole night Where is the darkness wondering outside during those long night hours? Did you seal them in a bag buried them underground or chase them away to the wilderness? The only thing that I am sure is After you become invisible and leave They will unscrupulously Come out and haunt
倦雪堆积满地 懒日偏栖晚空 远天团云若累絮 重重复又重重
厉风几阵狂啸 乱雪漫卷如龙 似癫若舞云伴雪 难辨云际雪踪
Weary snows piling up all over the ground The lazy sun hanging obliquely in the sky Far away tons of clouds are like cottons There are countlessly so many
Winds blows and whistles like insane Snow drifts as if a soaring dragon Half drunken and half dancing, they tangle together Nobody can tell who is here, who is there
点水雪花深深见, 隔岸柳叶款款飞。 最是江南寒冬夜, 万籁俱寂白雪堆。
Snow is falling in water piece by piece, Willow leaves are falling ground one by one. The best time is the Jiangnan winter night. Everything is silent only ground getting white
[诗人简介] 姚阳春,女,笔名巴雪 ,籍贯河南,云南农业大学翻译硕士在读研究生,古诗词爱好者,现在上海签证申请中心做英语翻译,兴趣爱好:文学翻译。
主办:中诗网 译诗群 总策划:周占林 宛城卧龙