




姑娘的眼睛( 翻译点评)

已有 54 次阅读2014-5-31 14:39 |个人分类:诗歌翻译| 诗歌翻译点评




      托玛斯•穆尔(Thomas Moore 1779—1852)爱尔兰诗人 这首诗是对小伙子们发出爱的呼唤。达尔文把爱情称作 “上帝为人类延续后代用甜蜜与喜悦配制的一副药剂”。其实,除此之外它还有痛苦以及迷惑。然而,爱总是盲目的,不管是上天堂还是下地狱,年青人必须去勇敢追寻。

小伙子, 斟酒吧,

小伙子, 斟酒吧,

小伙子, 斟酒吧,

 To Ladies’ Eyes

To ladies’ eyes a round, boy,
 We can’t refuse, we can’t refuse;
Though bright eyes so abound, boy,
 ’Tis hard to choose, ’tis hard to choose.
For thick as stars that lighten
 Yon airy bowers*, yon airy bowers,
The countless eyes that brighten
 This earth of ours, this earth of ours.
But fill the cup—where’er, boy,
 Our choose may fall, our choose may fall,
We’re sure to find love there, boy,
 So drink them all! so drink them all!

Some looks there are so holy,
 They seem but given, they seem but given,
As splendid beacons so holy,
 To light to heaven, to light to heaven.
While some--oh! Ne’er believe them---
 With tempting ray, with tempting ray,
Would lead us (God forgive them!)
 The other way, the other way.
But fill the cup—where’er, boy,
 Our choice may fall, our choice may fall,
We’re sure to find love there, boy,
 So drink them all! so drink them all!

In some, as in a mirror,
 Love seems portrayed;
But shun the flattering error,
 ’Tis but his shade, ’tis but his shade.
Himself has fixed his dwelling
 In eyes we know, in eyes we know,
And lips--but this is telling,
 So here they go! so here they go!
Fill up, fill up—where’er, boy,
 Our choice may fall, our choice may fall,
We’re sure to find love there, boy,
 So drink them all! so drink them all!

注:bowers* heaven






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