Remember me when I am dead
| 我死后,请记住我,
and simplify me when I'm dead.
| 我死后,将我简化。
As the processes of earth
| 我在泥土中慢慢消失,
strip off the colour and the skin
| 肤色变暗,肉身腐烂,
take the brown hair and blue eye
| 蓝眼无存,棕发入泥。
and leave me simpler than at birth
| 比我呱呱坠地时赤身裸体,
when hairless I came howling in
| 比寒空中月亮的皎洁圆润,
as the moon came in the cold sky.
| 更为简化,更加单一。
Of my skeleton perhaps
| 也许,我的骨骸已是破碎支离,
so stripped, a learned man will say
| 博学之人对此评个三言两语:
'He was of such a type and intelligence,' no more.
| “他有这样的品德与修为”,仅此而已。
Thus when in a year collapse
| 一年后,许多记忆已经逝去,
particular memories, you may
| 从我忍受的漫长痛苦,
deduce, from the long pain I bore
| 从我坚持的种种观点,
the opinions I held, who was my foe
| 你可能会推想我的仇敌是谁,
and what I left, even my appearance
| 推想我留下什么东西,甚至推想我的容颜,
but incidents will be no guide.
| 但无头绪,唯有记忆碎片星星点点。
Time's wrong-way telescope will show
| 通过反向的时光望远镜,
a minute man ten years hence
| 可以看到义勇兵未来十年,
and by distance simplified.
| 大大简化了观看距离。
Through that lens see if I seem
| 透过镜片可以看到,
substance or nothing: of the world
| 我对这世界或有或无,
deserving mention or charitable oblivion
| 是值得一提,还是被仁慈地忘掉。
not by momentary spleen
| 对我之评价,
or love into decision hurled
| 既非来自一时兴起,
leisurely arrive at an opinion.
| 亦非来自泛泛言辞。
Remember me when I am dead
| 我死后,请记住我,
and simplify me when I'm dead.
| 我死后,将我简化。