本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-8 03:56 编辑
Simplify me when I'm Dead Keith Douglas 我死的时候请把我化简 基斯·道格拉斯(英) Remember me when I am dead
and simplify me when I'm dead. 请记住我,当我死的时候 并且把我化简 As the processes of earth
strip off the colour and the skin
take the brown hair and blue eye 因为泥土的程序 是剥去颜色和皮肤 取走褐色的头发和蓝色的眼睛 and leave me simpler than at birth
when hairless I came howling in
as the moon came in the cold sky. 给我剩下的,比出生时的更加简单―― 当时我秃着脑袋嚎叫着来到这个世上 月亮正悬在冰冷的天空 Of my skeleton perhaps
so stripped, a learned man will say
'He was of such a type and intelligence,' no more. 至于我的骷髅,也许 如此镂空,有见识的人会说 “这家伙的模样原来是这样,智商也是这样”,仅此而已。 Thus when in a year collapse
particular memories, you may
deduce, from the long pain I bore 如此,再经历一年的“氧化” 所谓特别的记忆,你可能从 我忍受的漫长痛苦 the opinions I held, who was my foe
and what I left, even my appearance
but incidents will be no guide. 从我把持的观点,得出结论:谁是我的仇敌 我留下了什么,甚至我的相貌 但所发生过的事情,将无从理出头绪。 Time's wrong-way telescope will show
a minute man ten years hence
and by distance simplified. 有失偏颇的时光镜将显示: 一个士兵,一瞬,十年,从此 以计程的方式简化 Through that lens see if I seem
substance or nothing: of the world
deserving mention or charitable oblivion 透过那个镜片,看我是否仿佛 化作物质还是虚无:于这个世界 是值得一提,还是被仁慈地忘掉 not by momentary spleen
leisurely arrive at an opinion. 不是以随时随地的愤怒 或者爱至果决,大声叫骂 轻松达到一个评价 Remember me when I am dead
and simplify me when I'm dead. 请记住我,当我死的时候 并且把我化简 ? May 1941 1941年5月某日