本帖最后由 雨荷风 于 2015-10-7 19:16 编辑
Snow at Night
Thrilled at the chilly quilt and a fright
Sparkling light on windows in sight
Aware the heavy snow at deep night
Squeak of bamboo breaking heard at times
Snow at night
Surprised me my chilled quilt and pillow
and then in sight the brightened window
Aware how heavy late at night this snow
till I heard the cracking sound of bamboo
The Night Snow
Awakened by the chilly quilt and pillow,
I see the bright reflection of the window,
Knowing how hard night snow is falling,
For frequent sounds of bamboo-cracking.
A Night with Snows
Surprised with my quilt and pillow so chill,
And the window at deep night gleaming still,
I knew not heavy snow had come around,
Till heard the bamboos cracking sound by sound.