| 造物说
Sharon Du preez, New Zealand
| 沙伦·杜·皮瑞兹(新西兰)
I see the mountains with peaks of white
| 我看到群山峰顶皑皑白雪
The setting sun lighting them ablaze
| 落日映红雪峰似火焰炽烈
A butterfly flutters from plant to plant
| 蝴蝶在花丛间翩翩起舞
Beauty around me transfixing my gaze
| 身边美景让我目不暇接
I see tulips slowly opening their hearts
| 我看到郁金香花儿慢慢绽放
To the bustling bees going about their day
| 为终日忙碌的蜜蜂袒露心底
A cottonwool cloud floats slowly by
| 白云如絮,悠悠浮于漫漫天际
The breeze ripples the mirrorlike bay
| 港湾如镜,轻风吹起阵阵涟漪
I see a horse majestic and strong
| 我看到一匹骏马高大壮硕
Gallop across an emerald plain
| 在墨绿的旷野上疾驰奔跑
The clouds push together in a black frenzy
| 乌云攒动,雷动九天
The world explodes with the smells of rain
| 天地间弥漫了下雨的味道
The world is filled with colours and smells
| 天地间色彩斑斓,五味俱全
Flavours and sights, feelings and fears
| 情感丰富,恐惧各异,风情万种,美景连连
With rainbows and wonder and thunderous sounds
| 有彩虹,也有隆隆的雷声
And many more things which nobody hears
| 还有许多东西无人听闻识见
All was made by our awesome creator
| 我们敬畏的造物者创造了万物
For our enjoyment, to use and admire
| 让我们使用、欣赏与享乐
And my soul is filled to overflowing
| 我的灵魂溢满了爱与敬
With love and worship - a consuming fire.
| ——溢满了熊熊的烈火