楼主 |
发表于 2011-3-17 15:56:52
本帖最后由 Rhapsodia 于 2011-3-17 15:58 编辑
11 Oh, but my conscious fears, 3ft
12 That fly my thoughts between, 3ft
13 Tell me that she hath seen 3ft
14 My hundreds of gray hairs 3ft
15 Told seven and forty years, 3ft
16 Read so much waste as she cannot embrace 5ft
17 My mountain belly and my rocky face, 5ft
18 And all these, through her eyes, have stopped her ears 5ft
虽然我们说整首诗是用抑扬格写成的,但是看这里的第一行和第三行,第一个音步却是反过来的,即扬抑格音步。“Oh, but”和“Tell me”都是第一个音节(Oh, Tell)比第二个音节(but, me)重,这种违反整体大规则,改为与之相反的音韵形式,有个专门的词,叫 inversion反转/倒置, 这种反过来的音步,就叫inverted foot反转音步。据统计,这种反转音步非常常见。反转音步能使诗行的开头很不一般,令人感到别样的效果。这种首音步(诗行的第一个音步)反转大量出现在名师名篇中。如:
Now is the winter of our discontent
Jove in the clouds had his inhuman birth
Further in Summer than the Birds
When to the sessions of sweet, silent thought
That’s my last Duchess painted on the wall
Much have I traveled in the realms of gold
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall
My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains
What vain art can reply
The soft voice of the nesting dove
Now no joy but lack salt
Or in the third position:
For precious friends, hid in death’s dateless night
With eager thought warbling his Doric lay
I step inside, letting the door thud shut
And more rarely (in a line long enough) the fourth position:
The beat’s too swift. The notes shift in the dark
By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill
Told seven and forty years, 声音上的划分就是
told SE-/-ven and FOR-/-ty YEARS
Dust as we are, the immortal spirit grows
/ the imMOR-/
这种两轻一重的音步,学名词叫anapest,即抑抑扬格,anapestic foot即为抑抑扬格音步。