Wang Li: Stayed alone in the winter 蒲必达译
A winter night Cold in my body entire Thinking of Mom afar Like a big ball of fire
More effective The words of Dad over the phone Once and again The cold disappears and I am not alone
Today and tomorrow In my diary Word by word The winter is converted into poetry
Mom and Dad In my heart Call after call The winter will end and spring start
留守的冬天 王丽(四川营山云凤小学六年级七班) 指导教师:刘十六
冬夜,周身冰凉。 我想起远方的妈妈,像一个大大的暖水袋。
电话那头爸爸的叮咛,更管用: 一次一次,驱散我的冷和孤独……
今天!明天! 我正一天一天在日记里把冬天变成诗。
爸爸!妈妈! 我正一天一天在心底把这个冬天喊短。