现代诗很难译。如楼主所述,它用的是「非常规语言」,比如,A crowd of people are expelled by road. 楼主译得相当不错,我表示祝贺。我也发表几点评论,以示支持。
(1) 漏雨:就是下雨了,屋顶漏雨了。谁下雨呢?中文里可以说「天」下雨,但英文不这么说,就是「它」在下雨。“The sky leaks and rains” 的意思是天又在漏又在下雨,似乎不妥。我看干脆把天想象成屋顶,It rains and the sky leaks. 我认为原文就是这个意思。
It rains and the sky leaks --- That is because The deserts are stinging her eye
(2) "the crescent overturned the sun". 似乎 "the crescent overturned the sinking sun" 好一点,有对比,更合原意。
(3) "the black silkworm is nowhere to be found". 似乎 “the black silkworm is nowhere to be seen" 好一点。"found" 有寻找的意思,这里就是不见了。
The door lets out a squeak, from a needle-eye of a hole Out comes a tiny person of the size of a needle eye
原文是排比的,翻译之后怎么不是了?Hole 没有加 size 修饰,为什么 person 就需要呢?还有,needle's eye 读起来似乎比 needle eye 通顺。建议:
The door lets out a squeak, from a hole of a needle's eye Out comes a tiny person of a needle's eye