何先生: 您伟大的诗篇把我带回了荡舟康河上那些如痴如醉的岁月,这一切恍如昨日。 我毕业于牛津大学。我们撑船时站在船头还是船尾都有讲究,剑桥的学生站在船头,我们牛津的站在船尾。我在牛津大学就读七年,取得三个学位,包括现代史专业的博士学位。我的博士论文“1950-1952年的朝鲜战争与英国的内政外交”现陈列在牛津大学博德利图书馆。 我对剑桥大学也了如指掌。我在那里研究丘吉尔的著作和丘吉尔学院的其它文献。对美丽的康河记忆犹新,对国王学院铭感不忘。 美好的回忆仍荡漾在我心中。 最诚挚的问候! 英国上议院托斯科特勋爵。 2018年10月3日
October 3, 2018 Dear William, Your great poem brought back many happy memories of punting on the river, I remember it now again like yesterday. I was at Oxford, and we stood on a different end of the punt- in Cambridge students stood on the "Cambridge end", the flat end of the boat, in Oxford we stood at the opposite end whilst punting on the Isis. I was at Oxford for seven years, so did three degrees there, including my D.Phil in modern history on "The Korean War in British Foreign and Domestic Policy, 1950-52" which is deposited the Bodleian Library. I know Cambridge pretty well; I studied Churchill's papers and some others at Churchill College, and remember the beautiful River Cam and the very impressive King's College. Thanks for the memories! Best wishes, Lord Truscott