This, more krectly lubeen or fellow-me-lieder was first poured forth where Riau Liviau riots and col de Houdo humps, under the shadow of the monument of the shouldhavebeen legislator (Eleutheriodendron! Spare, woodmann, spare!) to an overflow meeting of all the nations in Lenster fullyfilling the visional area and, as a singleminded supercrowd, easily representative, what with masks, whet with faces, of all sections and cross sections (wineshop and cocoahouse poured out to brim up the broaching) of our liffeyside people (to omit to mention of the mainland minority and such as had wayfared via Watling, Ernin, Icknild and Stane, in chief a halted cockney car with its quotal of Hardmuth’s hacks, a northern tory, a southern whig, an eastanglian chronicler and a landwester guardian) ranging from slips of young dublinos from Cutpurse Row having nothing better to do than walk about with their hands in their kneepants, sucking airwhackers, weedulicet, jumbobricks, side by side with truant officers, three woollen balls and poplin in search of a croust of pawn to busy professional gentlemen, a brace of palesmen with dundrearies, nooning toward Daly’s, fresh from snipehitting and mallardmissing on Rutland heath, exchanging cold sneers, massgoing ladies from Hume Street in their chairs, the bearers baited, some wandering hamalags out of the adjacent cloverfields of Mosse’s Gardens, an oblate father from Skinner’s Alley, bricklayers, a fleming, in tabinet fumant, with spouse and dog, an aged hammersmith who had some chisellers by the hand, a bout of cudgel players, not a few sheep with the braxy, two bluecoat scholars, four broke gents out of Simpson’s on the Rocks, a portly and a pert still tassing Turkey Coffee and orange shrub in tickeyes door, Peter Pim and Paul Fry and then Elliot and, O, Atkinson, suffering hell’s delights from the blains of their annuitants’ acorns not forgetting a deuce of dianas ridy for the hunt, a particularist prebendary pondering on the roman easter, the tonsure question and greek uniates, plunk em, a lace lappet head or two or three or four from a window, and so on down to a few good old souls, who, as they were juiced after taking their pledge over at the uncle’s place, were evidently under the spell of liquor, from the wake of Tarry the Tailor a fair girl, a jolly postoboy thinking off three flagons and one, a plumodrole, a half sir from the weaver’s almshouse who clings and clings and chatchatchat clings to her, a wholedam’s cloudhued pittycoat, as child, as curiolater, as Caoch O’Leary.
指民谣(the ballad) 。
(1)lubeen:职业合唱歌曲(chorus songs of occupation)。
格雷夫斯(Graves):《爱尔兰文学和音乐研究》(Irish Literary and Musical Studies): “民歌”:“在爱尔兰和高地音乐中,我们发现了职业合唱歌曲(chorus songs of occupation),爱尔兰人称之为‘Lubeens’,高地人(Highlanders)称之为‘Luinings’。”
(2)Lieder: 德语:歌曲(songs)。
(1)riau: 普罗旺斯语(Provençal):河流流域(river basin)。
(1)Liffey river:利菲河。
【词汇7】col de Houdo
(1)col: 山口(a mountain pass)。
(2)colo: 普罗旺斯语(Provençal):山(mountain)。
(3)Hill of Howth (Howth Head):霍斯山(霍斯角)。
【词汇8】the monument
(1)the monument:纪念碑。
指前面说到的格莱斯顿纪念碑(Gladstone monument) 。
(1)eleutherios: 希腊语:自由的,慷慨的,高贵的(free, liberal, generous, noble)。
(2)dendron: 希腊语:树(tree)。
合在一起就是自由树(Tree of Liberty)。
【词汇10】Spare, woodmann, spare
(1)Spare, woodman, spare the beechen tree:饶了,樵夫,饶了山毛榉树吧。
出自于托马斯.坎贝尔(Thomas Campbell):《山毛榉树的请愿书》(诗)(The Beech-Tree's Petition):“饶了,樵夫,饶了山毛榉树吧。”
(2)Woodman, Spare That Tree:樵夫,饶了那棵树。
【词汇11】overflow meeting
(1)overflow meeting:补充会。
(1)lens (of the eye):(眼睛的)晶状体。
(1)fully filling:完全填满。
【词汇14】the visional area
(1)Divisional area:分区。
坎贝尔(康沃利斯-韦斯特)(Campbell (Cornwallis-West)):《我的生活和一些信件》(My Life and Some Letters)(摘自1915年关于她儿子在加利波利(Gallipoli)的官方报告)“他在分区(the divisional area)布置了13个雷区,保护部队撤离前线”。
(2)field of vision:视野。
(1)singleminded :思想或精神真诚的,头脑简单的(sincere in mind or spirit; honest, straightforward; simple-minded)。
(1)super crowd:群众演员。
(2)broaching :介绍,讨论,提出意见。
【词汇19】liffeyside people
(1)Irish people:爱尔兰人。
【词汇20】Watling, Ernin, Icknild and Stane
(1)Watling Street, Ermine Street, Icknield Street, and Stane Street: 沃特林街、厄米街、伊克尼尔德街和斯坦街。
英国的罗马路(Roman roads)。
【词汇21】cockney car
(1)hackney cab:出租车。
(2)Jaunting Car:短途旅行车。
(1)Harmsworth: 哈姆斯沃思。
19 -20世纪英国报业巨头、政治家和贵族的一个大家庭(最年长、最著名的阿尔弗雷德.哈姆斯沃思(Alfred Harmsworth)出生在查佩利佐德(Chapelizod))。
【词汇24】landwester guardian
(1)The Waste Land:荒原。
T.S.艾略特(T.S. Eliot)的名诗《荒原》。
(2)Manchester Guardian: 曼彻斯特卫报。
【词汇25】slips of young dublinos
(1)slip: 年轻人(a young person of either sex )。
(2)a slip of a boy:一个小男孩。
(3)young Dublin:年轻的都柏林。
(1)videlicet: 拉丁语:即;很明显(namely; clearly)。
(1)jumbo bricks:巨型砖。
【词汇30】three woollen balls
(1)three woollen balls:三个毛线球。
【词汇32】croust of pawn
(1)croûte de pain: 法语:面包的外壳(crust of bread)。
(1)The Pale: 苍白区。
(2)pales men:苍白的男人。
(1)dun and dreary:微暗而沉闷,
(2)Dundreary whiskers: 长侧胡须(long side whiskers)。
(1)Daly's: 戴利俱乐部。
(1)mallard:野鸭(wild duck)。
《爱尔兰时报》(Irish Times)1922年12月30日9月5日:《都柏林湾的鸟类生活》:“在爱尔兰繁殖的鸭子中,野鸭是迄今为止数量最多的。”
【词汇38】Rutland heath
(1)Rutland Square:拉特兰广场。
【词汇39】Hume Street
(1)Hume Street:休谟街。
《弗里曼日报》(Freeman's Journal)1924年2月21日:顺便说一下……“轿子”:关于在都柏林街头引入出租车的问题……就在九十年前,这个城市里还能看到轿子。在最后公开出租的两个房间中,一个位于圆形大厅,另一个位于休谟街的拐角处。第一个提到的直到1841年才消失。
【词汇40】wandering hamalags
(1)Wandering Jew:流浪的犹太人。
(2)legs of ham:猪腿(pigs) 。
(3)amalóg: 爱尔兰语:傻瓜(simpleton)。
(4)Amaleks: 亚玛力人。
Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim.
And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, fight with Amalek: to morrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in mine hand.
(1)clover fields:三叶草地。
莫斯在都柏林建造了圆形医院(Rotunda Hospital),并将部分场地用作节日fêtes的花园。
【词汇43】oblate father
(1)The Oblate Fathers: 献主会。
【词汇44】Skinner's Alley
(1)Skinner's Alley: 斯金纳巷。
在詹姆斯二世(James II)统治期间,新教议员在都柏林的斯金纳巷避难。
【词汇45】 fleming
(1)fumant: 法语:吸烟(smoking)。
【词汇48】spouse and dog
(1)spouse and dog:配偶和狗。
巴格(Bugge):《在爱尔兰的挪威人对历史的贡献》(Contributions to the History of the Norsemen in Ireland):(引自《马格努斯之歌》(The Lay of Magnus),马格努斯,一个入侵的挪威国王,与芬恩(Finn)谈话)“‘我来了’(他喊道)。从科玛尔(Comhal)的儿子处获得一个人质;而且,当征服的报酬获得时,他的配偶和狗(spouse and dog)也获得了。”
【词汇50】chisellers by the hand
(1)chiseller: 都柏林俚语:孩子,男孩(child, boy)。
(2)bij de hand: 荷兰语:方便的,在手边的(handy, at hand)。
【词汇51】cudgel players
(1)cudgel players:棍棒玩家。
休斯(Hughes):《都柏林前维多利亚时代的戏剧》(The Pre-Victorian Drama in Dublin):“雪莉(Shirley)的序言给我们留下的印象是,我们的祖先更喜欢熊饵和棍棒比赛(cudgel-playing),而不是戏剧。”
(1)braxy: 苏格兰语:脾脏中风(splenic apoplexy)。
【词汇53】bluecoat scholars
(1)blue-coat school: 蓝大衣学校。
(1)Simpson's Hospital:辛普森医院。
the inmate of Simpson's Hospital for reduced but respectable men permanently disabled by gout or want of sight. Nadir of misery: the aged impotent disfranchised ratesupported moribund lunatic pauper.
(2)Simpson's-on-the-Strand: 斯特兰德路的辛普森。
【词汇55】on the Rocks
(1)on the rocks: 习语:陷入困境(in trouble)。
(1)tasse: 法语:杯子(cup)。
(1)tickey :三便士的(threepence)。
【词汇58】Peter Pim
基督的12门徒之一,排名第一。全名是西门彼得(Simon Peter)。前面说过。
(2)Peter Pan: 彼得.潘。
幼稚或不成熟的人。出自J.M.巴里(J.M. Barrie)1904年的同名戏剧。
【词汇59】Paul Fry
(2)Paul Pry: 保罗.弗赖。
无礼的爱打听或爱管闲事的人。出自约翰.普尔(John Poole)1825年的同名戏剧。
【词汇60】Pim and Paul Fry and then Elliot and, O, Atkinson,
(1)Messrs Pim Bros, Elliott and Son, Messrs Fry and Company, and Richard Atkinson and Company:皮姆.布罗斯公司、艾略特父子公司、弗莱公司和理查德.阿特金森公司。
(1)blé: 法语:小麦、玉米、谷物(wheat, corn, grain)。
And the LORD said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you handfuls of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in the sight of Pharaoh.
And it shall become small dust in all the land of Egypt, and shall be a boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast, throughout all the land of Egypt.
And they took ashes of the furnace, and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven; and it became a boil breaking forth with blains upon man, and upon beast.
And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils; for the boil was upon the magicians, and upon all the Egyptians.
(1)annuitant: 领取年金的人。
(1)corns: 鸡眼(painful calluses)。
(2)corn: 玉米,谷物(grain)。
(1)Diana: 狄安娜。
Dianas:两个安娜(two Annas)。
即《守灵》的女主人公安娜.利维娅.普鲁拉贝尔(Anna Livia Plurabelle)。
(1)Particularism: 特殊神宠主义。
凯尔特特殊神宠主义(Celtic Particularism): 支持古爱尔兰人反对罗马天主教(Roman Catholic Church)教义,特别反对复活节(Easter)的日期。
(1)Prebendary: 受俸牧师。
【词汇69】greek uniates
(1)Greek uniates:希腊东仪天主教会的信徒。
东仪天主教是 “东方礼仪天主教会”的简称。泛指采用东方礼仪(非拉丁礼仪)、接受罗马天主教信仰、教宗首席权且与罗马教会保持共融的东派天主教会。因持守各种东方语言,礼仪和典制而得名。名称源于16世纪末俄罗斯和希腊正教会对与罗马教廷合并的基辅都主教区的教会的贬称,亦贬称“合并教会”。现泛指所有持东方礼仪的罗马天主教会。
不是东正教(Eastern Orthodox Church)。
【词汇70】a lace lappet head or The Lace Lappet
(1)The Lace Lappet:蕾丝耳垂。
(2)a lace lappet head:蕾丝耳垂头。
彼得(Peter):《都柏林社会与历史碎片》(Dublin Fragments, Social and Historic):卡佩尔街(Cappel Street)的“蕾丝耳垂”(The Lace Lappet),可以看到最新款式的“蕾丝耳垂头”(Lace Lappet Heads),以及各种各样的“点花边”( Point)、“梅希林花边”( Mechlin)和“布鲁塞尔花边”( Brussels lace)。
(2)heh:希伯来字母:数值是5,历史上的意思是“窗口”( window)。
原文“two or three or four from a window”的意思是说:2或3,或4都出自于5(窗口)。
(1)juiced: 俚语:喝醉的(drunk)。
老乔的笔记:old soul under spell of liquor:酒魔下的老灵魂。
大概是原文“old souls, who, as they were juiced…he spell of liquor”的一种意思。
(2)uncle's: 俚语:当铺(pawnshop)。
【词汇74】Tarry the Tailor
(1)Teddy the Tiler:瓦工泰迪。
歌曲《瓦工泰迪的苏醒》(The Wake of Teddy the Tiler)。
【词汇76】thinking off
(1)drinking off: 喝完。
(2)thinking of:考虑。
(1)Shem the Penman:笔匠闪。
(2)plumo: 普罗旺斯语:笔(pen )。
(3)plume: 法语:羽毛(feather)。
(4)drole: 普罗旺斯语: 年轻男孩(young boy )。
(5)drôle: 法语:滑稽的(funny )。
(6)primerole:报春花,漂亮的年轻女子(a type of flower; a pretty young woman)。
【词汇78】a half sir
糟糕地模仿绅士的人。萨默维尔和罗斯(Somerville & Ross):《爱尔兰海岸》(All on the Irish Shore)之《大雌马》(A Grand Filly):也许我应该马上提一下,特林德先生(Mr. Trinder)属于在爱尔兰被称为“半先生”( Half-sirs)的那一类人。你不能说他是个绅士,他自己也不会这么说。但事实上,我见过比这更糟糕的模仿。
【词汇79】weaver's almshouse
(1)Weavers' Almshouse:织工救济院。
(2)Harriet Shaw Weaver:哈丽特.肖.韦弗。
(1)chat: 普罗旺斯语:年轻的男孩(young boy)。
(1)whole dame: 全女人。
(2)dam: 母兽(female parent )。
(1)curio: 拉丁语:牧师(priest)。
【词汇83】Caoch O'Leary
(1)Caoch O'Leary:盲人奥利里。
Caoch:爱尔兰语:盲人,半盲人(blind, purblind)。
《盲人奥利里》:19世纪爱尔兰诗人约翰.基根(John Keegan)的一首诗,讲述了一位年老的盲人吹笛手。
这民谣,更正确的职业合唱歌曲或“跟着我的领队”(|歌曲),第一次大量涌现在骚动的利菲河流域和霍斯山(|山口|山)峰,在应该一直是立法者的格莱斯顿纪念碑的阴影下,(自由树(|自由的,慷慨的,高贵的)!饶了,樵夫,饶了山毛榉树吧(|樵夫,饶了那棵树)!)直到伦斯特省(|(眼睛的)晶状体)的全国补充会,完全填满(|充实的)分区(|视野),当一个头脑简单的(|思想或精神真诚的)群众演员,很可能是典型的,其面目,其脸,一切截面和横截面(从酒店和可可屋倾泻而出,充满讨论(|开始讨论;给……开口|介绍,提出意见))都属于爱尔兰人(不谈大陆的少数群体,例如经过沃特林街、厄米街、伊克尼尔德街和斯坦街旅行,主要是一辆停了下来的短途旅行车(|出租车),有哈姆斯沃思出租汽车的全部(|配额),一个北方保守党员,一个南方辉格党,一个东盎格鲁的记者和一个曼彻斯特卫报(|荒原)记者), 其范围,从---来自于小偷街的年轻的都柏林年轻人(|一个小男孩),他们无所事事,只好把手插在口袋里走来走去,未断奶的壹耳微蚵,即(|很明显),巨型砖,与逃学官员,三个毛线球和寻找面包的外壳的府绸,肩并肩,到---繁忙的职业绅士们,苍白区(|苍白的男人)的支柱,有长侧胡须(|微暗而沉闷),到戴利俱乐部午休,刚从拉特兰广场猎鸟和野鸭归来,互相交换冷漠的鄙视,还有休谟街的按摩小姐,坐在椅子上,还有被诱捕的轿夫,有些是流浪的犹太人(|猪腿|傻瓜|亚玛力人),从邻近的莫斯(|摩西)花园的三叶草地里出来,还有一个斯金纳巷的献主会会员,砖瓦工们,一个佛兰德斯人,穿着波纹塔夫绸吸烟,带着配偶和狗,一个老年哈默史密斯人,有几个在身边的孩子,还有一帮棍棒玩家,不是脾脏中风的几只绵羊,还有两个蓝大衣学校学者,四个身无分文的绅士从陷入困境的辛普森餐厅(|辛普森医院)出来,一个胖胖的,一个还在三便士门里大胆品尝(|杯子)土耳其咖啡和橘色果汁,皮姆.布罗斯公司(|彼得.潘|彼得|保罗|保罗.弗赖)、艾略特父子公司、弗莱公司和理查德.阿特金森公司,在他们领取年金的鸡眼(|玉米,谷物)的水疱(|小麦、玉米、谷物)里忍受着地狱般的快乐,没忘记为狩猎而准备(|骑)的两个安娜(|狄安娜),还有一个特殊神宠主义的受俸牧师,正在沉思罗马的复活节,削发的问题和希腊东仪天主教会的信徒,付钱给他们,一个蕾丝耳垂头或出自于5个(窗口)的2个或3个,或4个,这样说下去,就只剩下几个酒魔下的老灵魂了,他们在当铺(|叔叔的)宣誓后喝醉了(|恰好),显然是被酒迷住了,从《瓦工泰迪的苏醒》(|裁缝|涂了焦油的)里,一个漂亮女孩,一个愉快的邮差正在喝完(|考虑)三四壶,一个织工救济院的(|哈丽特.肖.韦弗)年轻男孩(|笔匠闪|笔|羽毛|滑稽的|报春花,漂亮的年轻女子),一个半先生(|地主或绅士农场主的儿子),贴近又贴近,年轻的男孩贴近她,一个“全女人”(|母兽)的染成云色的小大衣,就像孩子,就像牧师,就像盲人奥利里。
This, more krectly lubeen or fellow-me-lieder was first poured forth where Riau Liviau riots and col de Houdo humps, under the shadow of the monument of the shouldhavebeen legislator (Eleutheriodendron! Spare, woodmann, spare!) to an overflow meeting of all the nations in Lenster fullyfilling the visional area and, as a singleminded supercrowd, easily representative, what with masks, whet with faces, of all sections and cross sections (wineshop and cocoahouse poured out to brim up the broaching) of our liffeyside people (to omit to mention of the mainland minority and such as had wayfared via Watling, Ernin, Icknild and Stane, in chief a halted cockney car with its quotal of Hardmuth’s hacks, a northern tory, a southern whig, an eastanglian chronicler and a landwester guardian) ranging from slips of young dublinos from Cutpurse Row having nothing better to do than walk about with their hands in their kneepants, sucking airwhackers, weedulicet, jumbobricks, side by side with truant officers, three woollen balls and poplin in search of a croust of pawn to busy professional gentlemen, a brace of palesmen with dundrearies, nooning toward Daly’s, fresh from snipehitting and mallardmissing on Rutland heath, exchanging cold sneers, massgoing ladies from Hume Street in their chairs, the bearers baited, some wandering hamalags out of the adjacent cloverfields of Mosse’s Gardens, an oblate father from Skinner’s Alley, bricklayers, a fleming, in tabinet fumant, with spouse and dog, an aged hammersmith who had some chisellers by the hand, a bout of cudgel players, not a few sheep with the braxy, two bluecoat scholars, four broke gents out of Simpson’s on the Rocks, a portly and a pert still tassing Turkey Coffee and orange shrub in tickeyes door, Peter Pim and Paul Fry and then Elliot and, O, Atkinson, suffering hell’s delights from the blains of their annuitants’ acorns not forgetting a deuce of dianas ridy for the hunt, a particularist prebendary pondering on the roman easter, the tonsure question and greek uniates, plunk em, a lace lappet head or two or three or four from a window, and so on down to a few good old souls, who, as they were juiced after taking their pledge over at the uncle’s place, were evidently under the spell of liquor, from the wake of Tarry the Tailor a fair girl, a jolly postoboy thinking off three flagons and one, a plumodrole, a half sir from the weaver’s almshouse who clings and clings and chatchatchat clings to her, a wholedam’s cloudhued pittycoat, as child, as curiolater, as Caoch O’Leary.
民谣(ballad)这个词在音乐里的学名是“叙事曲”,如肖邦四首著名的叙事曲(Op.23, Op.38, Op.47, Op.52)。