本帖最后由 自娱自乐 于 2010-9-14 10:21 编辑
“Never have I met a beauty like you,
Industrious, independent, intelligent.
No one could outshine you in my view,
Great future's in your hand diligent.
Xenophobia's somewhat exercised here,
Interestingly you and I do not care.
Neither you'll hearken nor I will hear,
Go free and enjoy the poetic air.
Each and every one likes you a lot,
Rejoicing in your poem we've sought. ”
自娱先生会不会汉语拼音啊?汉语好不好啊?“宁馨儿”汉语拼音是“ning xin er”,不是“ning xing er”。你的藏头诗多了一个G耶!可笑不可笑。说你拍马屁都拍不对地方,你还不信