葛传椝先生二三事 (其中有福勒先生给葛先生的回信)
葛传椝先生二三事 (转载)
严锋先生在文中还谈到他对葛传椝先生的景仰。从三十年代开始,葛传椝先生是中国英语自学者的标杆。从五十年代开始,他的《英语惯用法词典》是英语自学者的“圣经”; 六七十年代,我曾精读此词典三遍,“每有会意,便欣然忘食”,其中甘苦,唯有自知。严锋先生在文中谈到葛传椝先生的一些往事,我想作一点补正。
H. W. Fowler 一九三三年十一月二十四日给葛传椝先生的回信,收入葛先生上世纪三十年代选注的Present-Day English Prose (Book One) 一书。该信不长,全文如下:
24 Nov., 1933
Dear Sir,
I find no difficulty in believing that you will attain, if you have not already attained,your ambition of writing English as no other Chinese can; for your letter is in faultless English, and, long as it is, nowhere betrays, as nearly all foreigners’ letters do by some trifling lapse in idiom, that its writer is not an Englishman. I receive many letters in English from foreigners, but do not remember ever having had occasion to say this before. If this statement can serve you in any way, you are free to make use of it.
Your comments upon points in The King’s English are all acute and pertinent, and I am greatly accepting the corrections of misprints and wrong references that are among them. The wrong references are due to the change of paging for the third edition; I corrected many such,but some escaped me.
I have read all your criticisms with care, and find that I should be ready to defend what we wrote in all, or nearly all, cases; but I regret that, owing to pressure of work, old age (75), and failing eye-sight, I cannot comply with your request for explanations, or argument –except for one or two general remarks. Many of your criticisms turn on the fact that advice given in M.E.U. (Mr., any one, &c, with comma after one preceding noun, to-morrow, &c.) is not acted upon in the K.E. Well, K.E. was written some 20 years earlier, and M.E.U represents my later views and is to be taken as superseding the earlier book where the two books differ; it was hardly possible to bring K.E. into conformity on points where what is laid down in M.E.U. is merely advisory and suggests reforms that are still far from general acceptance. It is not to be expected that views should undergo no change in 20 years, but only that the later ones should be the result of careful consideration. But your remarks show the care with which you have read the two books, and I accept the compliment with much pleasure.
Yours very truly
H. W. Fowler |