



楼主: Rhapsodia


 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-4 16:31:03 | 显示全部楼层
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回自娱自乐君, after 是 trochee
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发表于 2011-1-4 17:18:41 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-5 01:42:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Rhapsodia 于 2011-1-5 01:44 编辑

“ let go spring fragrance as it will, I'd stay and enjoy it here still. 第二个 it 指代的是 spring fragrance?”
---------- 是spring fragrance, 字面上看上去把意思缩小了,整个的春天只有“香气”了,而实际上,是一局部带整体,算是提喻或者叫举隅法吧?

dory 应该加冠词!我改过来哈~

"dusk comes to wane ----> does it hint dusk is fading, so, another word, does it mean autumn air is taking everything over, right?"
-------------- 是, 是要进入夜晚了,dusk 要fade into the autumn air. 换句话说,dusk给秋让路,dusk 隐没进秋的air里了。 我觉得这句重点在于“秋来”,而不是“傍晚来”,是说随着傍晚的来临,秋意更浓了,所以让dusk wane 吧,呵呵。
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发表于 2011-1-5 06:46:28 | 显示全部楼层
Rhapsodia 发表于 2011-1-5 01:42
“ let go spring fragrance as it will, I'd stay and enjoy it here still.  ...


let go spring fragrance as it will ----> (大意)春芳可以走了,其实它也的确会的,if so,  what fragrance can one enjoy?


呵呵,现在是秋天啊,我让你给绕进去了,呵呵。it 应该是这里的景象,是上述种种的概括。  发表于 2011-1-5 07:28
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-5 07:30:53 | 显示全部楼层
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看来这个 it 指代不明,问题严重!我改一下看看如何:

Let go spring fragrance as it will,                               
I’d stay and enjoy this place still.       
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发表于 2011-1-5 16:09:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 金沙文字 于 2011-1-5 19:00 编辑




Autumn Dusk in the Mountains  by Wang Weitr

With hills bathed crisp in the new rain,     【败笔】                        
In autumn air dusk comes to wane;                              
Upon pine trees bright moonlight sheds,                                 
On rocks crystal spring water treads;                             
Bamboos rustle of washer maids,    【不妥】                          
And lotus swayed when th’ dory fades.                              
Let go spring fragrance as it will,  【ok!】                           
I’d stay and enjoy it here still.   【不妥】                                    

After the rain freshens the empty hills,【不妥】
The autumnal dusk deepens the chills.【反其意。原意应该是“更爽”】
Through pines the bright moon glows,
Upon the stones the clear spring flows.
Amid bamboos giggle the washer-maids,【不可实写】
Lotus leaves stir as the fish-boat wades.【同上】
Even spring fragrance has faded away,【有新意】
Here is still a nice place for me to stay.
An Autumn Evening in the HillsTr.
Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang

Through empty hills new washed by rain【未解真实义】
As dusk descends the autumn comes;
Bright moonlight falls through pines,
Clear springs flow over stones;
The bamboos rustle as girls return from washing,
Lotus flowers stir as a fishing boat casts off;【理解正确】
Faded the fragrance of spring,
Yet, friend, there is enough to keep you here.【独到见解】
The still hills feel fresh after rain,【绕过empty,老道!】
As dusk falls, autumn comes to reign.【有新意】
Into the pines the bright moon peeps,【创新】
Caressing the stones spring stream keeps.
Washer-maids babble thru bamboos,【生动,但不应实写】
As dories come, lotus eschews.
O, splendid spring can go and rest,【新意】
Here I’ll still stay, for it’s the best.【新意】
The still hills feel fresh after rain,
As dusk falls, autumn comes to reign.
Thru the pine trees the bright moon peeps,
Upon the stones the spring stream leaps
.Washer-maids babble in bamboos,【虚拟改为实写,不妥】
As dories come, lotus eschews.
O, splendid spring can go and rest,
Here I’ll still stay, for it’s the best.Tr. Ziyuzile
Rain refreshes the secluded hill;【有新意】
The autumn dusk deepens chill.【“晚来”未译出】
Thru pines a bright moon shines;【ok!】
On stones a clear spring declines.
Washer-maids in bamboos giggle;【不可实写】
Fishing-boats make lotus ripple.【应虚拟】
Though spring has faded away,【未译出“随意”】
Here I would still love to stay.译于2011年1月4日。
The rain-washed hill looks void and still,【ok!!】
As dusk falls, th’ fall air crisp and chill.
Into the pines the bright moon peeps,
Upon the stones the spring stream leaps.
Washer-maids babble thru bamboos,【违背原诗的虚拟语气。此处若有真人喧哗,即非佛地也】
As a skiff comes, lotus eschews.
O, splendid spring can go and rest,
Here I’ll still stay, for it’s the best.【若能译出“王孙”含义,一流境界矣!】

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发表于 2011-1-5 19:37:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 自娱自乐 于 2011-1-6 07:17 编辑


《山居秋暝》 (王維)

An Autumn Night in Mountains
by Wang Wei

The still hills look void after rain,
Dusk comes, but rule autumn would fain.
The moon peeps into the pine trees,
The rocks the clear stream leaps to tease.
Hark, washer-maids chat with bamboos,
As skiffs come, th’poise lotus lose.
Spring can feel free to hide away,
Here's a much better place to stay.
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发表于 2011-1-5 19:56:18 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 自娱自乐 于 2011-1-5 20:31 编辑

give it a try again...


bamboos bash / cry, here come washer-maids,
as a skiff comes, lotus evades.
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发表于 2011-1-5 23:01:23 | 显示全部楼层
[發現 new 也具有副詞的詞性]
同時能得到語感。這裡從語感上說﹐用NEWLY 較好。

with new-planted crops 很妥當。因為 new-planted 整個作形容詞。語感上沒有

new washed with dew 結構不一樣。new washed 是分詞結構修飾前面。兩個詞之
間不能用 -  連接起來。
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发表于 2011-1-6 02:50:53 | 显示全部楼层
海外逸士 发表于 2011-1-5 23:01
[發現 new 也具有副詞的詞性]
我的經驗是要學寫譯﹐不能從字典上學﹐應該從名人的寫作裡學。這是活的用法。 ...


不得不承认,在读杨的译文之前, 我也会用 newly washed by rain, 而不会用 new。 毕竟我们不是native speaker, 不敢随意乱来。
但他这个new 的用法确实引起我极大的兴趣, 所以才去进行“调查研究”。

new washed with dew 和 new washed by rain 结构上是否相同呢?



不能完全排除,译者有时为了节省一个音节,会做出某种“牺牲”吧?  发表于 2011-1-6 04:47
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