Rain or shine
come or go
clouds with no fixed abode
Cold and summer-heat
taking a leave
moon is quite different
Floating the sea over the ocean
the warrior’s ambition is in the world
Discard the old ways of life
in favour of the new
the wise monarch
harbours all living creatures
Note: first and second sentences by Luo Zhihai.
Third and fourth sentences by Qian Yongde.
8/14/2018对联体 ● 十绝 罗志海译
Couplet Poem ● Ten Words of Quatrain
Translation by Luo Zhihai
The 6,710th Couplet Poem
Enjoy poetry
plum, orchid, pine and bamboo
chant poems about three rivers
Joyfully in the landscape
spring, summer, autumn and winter
clouds visit four seas
The jade dew poured out in the cups
with my wife
shallow to be drunk
in th lotus pool
in the moonlight
The white rainbow penetration of sun
with my friends
beyond of the Great Wall
indulge sceneries
Note: first and second sentences by Qian Yongde.
Third and fourth sentences by Luo Zhihai.
8/14/2018對聯體 ● 十二絕 羅志海譯
Couplet Poem ● Twelve Words of Quatrain
Translation by Luo Zhihai
The 6,715th Couplet Poem