After second thought, however, I think these pairs of words "why" and "envie", "lyre" and "poetrie" must have rhymed in Ben Johnson time. But how exactly did they sound, "why" towards "envie" or vice versa, or something in between? Who knows? As I guessed, I'd take "y" sounded more like "ie".
Now let's get back to the starting point: this is quite like our ancient Chinese language in which some words were pronounced differently than their modern counterparts. The reading in the link, I believe, is handled in the modern way. This doesn't support the idea that if a rhyme is needed, I'll make an unrhymed word rhyme or if an iambic foot is needed, I'll call a trochaic an iambic. If you want to play you've got to follow the rule. Otherwise, why bother? Just do whatever you want.
ZY, you didn't waste my time. Thank you! hahaha.... |